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R.R: emoclew ot siht koob- (translation: Welcome to this book-)

Me: *runs in* hey! Don't take my first book over!! *Pushes him away*

R.R: I lliw llik uoy htiw eht rewop fo eht der nus!!! (Translation: I will kill you with the power of the red sun!!!)

Me: Yeah, yeah! Your not gonna do anything!

R.R: Hey! What makes you say that!?

Me: You wouldn't kill your crush~

R.R: I- *blushes* *mumbles* uoy tnac evrop gnihtyna!
(Translation: you can't prove anything)

Me: ANYWAYS!!! Please leave dares-

R.R: Or asks!!

Me: -for this guy!!!

R.R: They can leave dares for you to!!

Me: Wah!! N-no they cant!!

R.R: sey uoy nac!! (Yes you can)

Me: What!? What did you say!?

R.R: Just telling them to leave dares...

Me: Enjoy the rest of the book!

Me: BYE!!!

R.R: EYB!!!

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