1.) Oh Royal Sun

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Amber Ludicent. The face you see on every magazine. The graceful mystic that soothes headaches with her own voice. The 17 year old girl that charms even the flowers of Solyouni. Her very name makes the birds in the sky come down from their flight to see her. She is the future Queen of the sun. Amber was sitting in her velvety, bright pink lounge chair; studying her magic spells, with algebra of course. Her mystic destiny was to be an enchantress. Her smooth, tanned skin was exposed to the moonlight from above. A crescent moon in the lonely sky. She looked out the window. "Lucci, I just know it, one day when school is out of the way, and when I can visit you, we can make things right again. Leo and aunt Flora have to be out there somewhere. I feel like I can just hear them shouting at me. Now if only you replied back to my letters!"
       Now it was noon and the next day. Amber quickly wrote yet another letter to her cousin. Lucci Ludicent is the daughter of Queen Flora. She sealed the letter in a blush pink envelope and asked her favorite maid, Leenda, to mail it. Being the princess of the sun, what exactly do you do? Well, in her free time, she opens the never ending waterfall of engagement presents. But of course she wouldn't marry now, she has a kingdom to focus on. And come on, the sun was more important than some dude. Another thing she liked to do was paint. It was like painting took her into another world, unless the paint stains her dress, which is of course terrible.
          "Kingdom Management 101," Amber said, as she pulled out her big, thick, possibly cancerous book out of her bag. "Tying knots between kingdoms can lead to a better economy, and blah. With blahy, blah do doo. BlAH DINGDONG."
      It should be impossible, but studying KM101 was tougher than getting a single reply from Lucci.

       Queen Fauna of Solyouni. Her mystic was a light fairy. In her childhood, she remembered always being by her twin sister's side. They studied magic together and went to the same schools. Her problems were Flora's problems. Flora's problems were Fauna's problems. It's rare to see a sisterhood bond this close. So it was a shock when she and her son just suddenly disappeared, into thin air almost.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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