the start

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*this chapter is just a trial run. no idea when i'll be updating again*

I sat on the floor of the bathroom with my face pressed against the cool tile. the lights were harsh as all hotel bathroom lights are.

I could hear Anthony on the other side of the door. his breaths were heavy and his foot tapped against the wall nervously. the timer went off and I shot up to check the tests.

there in the sink laid three pregnancy tests with vivid pink lines. two of them.

"Blake?" he called from the other room. his voice was shaking.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out except tears and short breaths. Anthony swung the door open and looked at me standing over the sink attempting to catch my breath.

"hey hey hey," he said pulling me into his arms. I pressed my head to his chest and tears started rolling down both of our cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I sobbed.

"no, Blake it's okay. we can work through this. we'll figure it out."

"Anthony. no. you can't do this. you have a life and a career in Illinois. I'm still in college in Florida! what am I supposed to do? move to Chicago with you?"

"yes actually," he explained. he unwrapped his arms and walked out of the bathroom,dragging me with him, and sat down on the edge of the hotel's bed. I rested my hand on his thigh and leaned my head on his shoulder while we stared at each other in the mirror. sports center was on the tv and ironically talking about him. "move to Chicago with me. live in my place, we can do this."

I checked the clock on the bedside table. it was nearly 3 and he has to be at spring training by 7. his voice was strained as the emotions and the exhaustion began to affect him.

"you don't have to do this, I can handle it myself."

"you're not going to. we can do this together. you can move move to Chicago, finish school up there, live with me, and marry me?"

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