The Save

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Slowly waking up I heard my alarm go off. Groaning I turned it off and rolled over onto the other side of my bed, Leave me alone..was having a good dream about Goku being real... Feeling body heat I smiled and cuddled up- Wait...Shooting my eyes open I saw Goku looking at me.

"Morning Y/N!!!" He said with a smile and I screamed and scooted away till I fell off my bed. Goku looked over the side of the bed with a concerned face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized.

Rubbing the back of my head I looked up at him, "It's fine," So it wasn't a dream, "Why are you in my bed anyway."

He got off and lent me a hand which let a small blush creep up onto my face, "I just heard this alarm thing go off so I was going to check and see if you were alright. Then I ended up not knowing how so I waited until you woke up." He replied bluntly.

"Well, thanks if you don't mind could you," He turned his questioning gaze towards me, "You know...leave my room so I do my stuff?"

He blinked then blushed, "S-Sorry! Really!!" He then ran out and Nick came in watching him go. Nick hopped onto my bed and laid down curling his tail around him taking a nap. I smiled and laughed a bit before going to get ready for work.


Going downstairs I looked at my watch and gasped. I was gonna be late! Running to the kitchen I grabbed a piece of bread and some water and was about to leave the front door before Goku used his Instant Transmission to come in front of me. He frowned, "You're leaving Y/N?" He asked.

"I have to go to work Goku, I'll be back around 4 okay?" I reassured him. His eyes lit up, "Hey! Can I come!" Goku asked in an excited childish way.

Damn, he is so cute when he's not trying to be...have to remember, he is still married even in this world of mine. "Maybe some other time Goku, I promise. In the meantime, you can stay here with Nick!" I pointed to the fox who gave a glaring look at Goku. I blinked and Nick walked away with a lash of his tail.

I looked at the time again, "Damn it I'm not gonna make it..."

"Well, why don't I help you!" He smiled, "I can take you to where ever-"

"It's okay Goku," I gave him my cell number and place I worked, "Just call if something happens okay?" I didn't give him time to reply as I ran off.

To be honest, this was the first time I was gonna be late. Minus the fact, the mall was about 10 minutes from where I left. So I usually walked but ran instead this time. Once I finally got there I panted as I walked in. May was fixing some of the clothes and ran over to me.

"Y/N are you okay?" She asked and I nodded finally catching my breath.

"Yes...just sorry I'm a little late." I walked over to the cash register and logged in. The hours passed by quickly as people kept coming in to buy stuff. Soon enough it was time for me to go home.

"Finally!" I smiled sighing in relief. May looked over at me with a raised brow, "Hmm? What did you meet a guy or something?"

I blushed lightly and looked away grabbing my bag. "T-There isn't anyone May. If there was you'd be the first one to know, promise."

She looked me up and down not giving into what I was telling her, "Uh huh, sure. Either way," She put a had on my shoulder, "I saw him walking by here earlier before you came. You better be careful. If anything happens better let me know."

I tensed up and nodded, "I will. I thought he was gone from here though..." I whispered the last part to myself before heading out the door. I walked, aware of my surroundings, keeping a lookout. She probably saw a look alike, it couldn't be him. I spoke way too early as a tap came onto my shoulder. I turned around and there he stood, "Well my dear, it's been a while hasn't it-"

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