Chapter 1

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I'm screaming while my body jerks involuntarily in response to the tortuous tickling I'm receiving from my best friend, Nathan. It was only a year ago when one day I came home to Nate sitting on my porch swing, waiting for me to get back from the most awful date: the jerk had decided to ditch all of the classy, chivalrous customs I always appreciated such as opening my door, and then he "forgot his wallet at home." So when I got home to the man I had always counted on holding a bouquet of red roses and irises, I was speechless, to say the least. And after hearing his confession of love, there was nothing else to say but to tell him of the love I felt for him. Now, now I'm basically in the best relationship I've ever been in with the only person I've ever really loved. And at the moment, he's tickling me to death after having a playful struggle over the TV remote.
"Nate, stop! You can have the damn remote, but for the love of Zeus, stop!!" Of course my tone isn't serious enough since I'm laughing so much, but eventually he quits and gets off of me. He smirks at me as I sit up and huff, my hair a tousled mess and my clothes in need of serious adjusting.
"This is why you give me the remote, Kitten." I can't help but smile at the pet name, and as I'm fixing my look, someone knocks on the dorm room door, so I get up to go answer it. On my way past Nate, I wiggle my ass a little, and he spanks it once hard, making me gasp and giggle at the same time. I look back, and he winks, directing his attention back to finding something for us to watch after our day of vigorous studying for finals.
When I open my door, I see my roommate standing with her arms crossed, annoyance washed over her face.
"Oh my god, Jess, you will not believe the day I had. First, I forgot my key, then I made it all the way to my last class of the day, realizing I had forgotten my history book at the little café all the way across campus. Luckily, when I went back, the new, hot barista guy was holding it out when he saw me coming into the coffee shop." As she's ranting, I go back to Nate, sitting in his lap, and just listen to her talk as I always love to do. Jordan has been one of my closest friends since I first met her the day of moving in to the dorms. I took an instant liking to her, seeing that she was wild and spontaneous, a perfect complement to my careful, quiet nature.
She turns around and finally notices Nate sitting with me. "Oh hey, Nate, sorry I didn't see you." She continues her story about the new, hot guy, and Nathan decides to leave because he has to be up early for his classes tomorrow. I kiss him and say my goodbye, walking him out.
When Nate leaves, I turn around and see Jo staring at me, finally noticing that I stopped listening to her.
"Hey, look, Jo, I'm sorry. I don't mean to ignore you, but it's just a been a long day, and I'm kind of ready to go to bed." Before she can respond, someone knocks on the door, and thinking it's Nate, I twist back around to answer it. But when I swing the heavy door open, my eyes meet startling blue ones, and my breath hitches at the utter beauty of the man standing before me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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