Why Him? - Chapter 5

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"No buts missy! Do take off that ridiculous apron, wash your hands, and hang out with the girls while we wash and clean the place." He points towards the kitchen door. I stare at him quite shocked by his bossy voice. "What are you looking at? Get out."

Holding both of my shoulders, he pushes me out of the kitchen.

I stumble a bit but manage to stay on my feet. I walk towards the living room pondering if I should associate with the girls. Wouldn't it be weird if I suddenly popped out and tagged along with them? They might not like me.

I take a quick turn and decide to find some other place I'm comfortable with.

"Where are you going?" A boy with brown hair with glasses asks.

"Particularly nowhere," I reply simply.

"You shouldn't wander around this late the perverts might get to you." He gives me a pointed look but it isn't anything serious.

I laugh at his comment, "Don't worry, I know how to protect myself."

He ignores my comment, "Come with me if you have nothing else to do."

"How do I know that you're not one of those wandering perverts?" I query with a raised brow.

He turns back at me and puts on a straight face, "Do I look like a pervert? I'm the quiet-type of guy who likes to stay in the shadows. I am also a geek who's socially awkward with girls."

I look at him from top to bottom, as cliché as it is he does look like that type of boy. "I'm a girl and you seem to be fine around me."

"I somehow feel comfortable around you. You don't seem to be like those girls who always talk about boys, makeup, hair, and other girly bullshit I don't need to know." He admits. "If you were, then you would be with them."

"You shouldn't judge people by their likes." I was slightly annoyed with his choice of words. Doesn't he know that he can hurt people because of his attitude?

"Let's not make it a big deal." He says, "Just follow me if you want to see something amazing."

This time we let the conversation drop. I followed him through the wide hallway. We stop at the end of the hall and I notice a glass door.

He opens the door, "Go" he commands.

I walk inside and gasp in shock. "This place is beautiful!" I say amazed. Roaming around the small place, we were surrounded by bundles of colorful flowers. There's a small picnic set at the middle.

"Have a seat," he gestures to the small picnic set.

I do as said and look above. I notice the stars shinning bright above us.

"Do you like it?" He questions me.

I look at him and furiously nod my head. "Not only do I like it, I love it. I love how everything feels so natural."

"I thought that you would." He shyly comments. "I mean, you look like one of those girls who would like the simplest things in this world."

I blush, "Wow, I don't even know your name but you're making me blush already. How can you say that I'm one of those girls?"

"You're genuinely nice to everyone." He simply states. "I hope you don't feel awkward after our conversation but honestly, I've been observing you earlier this, you're kept to yourself but you have this huge personality that people would love to know."

Quirking my brow, "Are you sure about your hypothesis?"

He adjusts his glasses, "Pretty much. I never doubt my thoughts."

Why Him? (REVISING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora