Chapter 2: Night Class

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Edited 22 July 2017 (7/22/2017)  643 Words

A/N Their names will be Last Name then First Name when they state it. Example: Aido (Last Name) Hanabusa (First Name) Okay? Alright, let's read!

Y/N Pov 

I stand in front of the giant building known as the Moon Dormitories. I take a deep inhalation as I slowly open the doors. I'm totally prepared for snotty aristocrats. As I enter, I see all the head in the room turn towards me. I try to keep a straight face as the eyes glaze over me. There's a bit of silence before a light voice interrupts.  

"This is Y/N L/N, I hope you treat her with respect. She is a pure blood and will be the female president." I look up to find it was Kaname. I quickly run up to him at the stairs. 

"Kaname, it's been awhile. I see you've grown," I smirk. Before I continue another voice comes into play. 


I turn to find it was Takuma, "Otaku-chan?" 

He laughs lightly as he comes up to give me a light hug. Once we let go, I turn back to the room full of vampires, "Can I get introductions?" I swiftly move towards the couch and sit. Kaname follows sitting next to me while Takuma stands next to the armrest.

The minute my butt touches the couch, an arm wraps itself around my waist. I see out of the corner of my it's a blonde with wild hair, thought I keep my head facing forward.

A silky voice is heard from the boy next to me, "I'm Aido Hanabusa, but you can call me Idol~" 

Me being the girl I am, pull a knife from under my jacket and bring it down to his chest so quickly you would have thought I had stabbed him. "Hanabusa, I would like it if you took your arm off of me."

The blonde quickly stood as I put on an innocent smile. Everyone else either chuckled at my cheekiness or rolled their eyes at Hanabusa. 

The next person to introduce themselves was a darker blonde, " Kain Akatsuki." From then on everyone introduced themselves quickly. 

"Shiki Senri." 

"Tohya Rima." 

"Souen Ruka." She rolled her eyes, I can tell she's going to be a tough cookie to crack. She has the attitude of a five year old. 

Kaname instantly takes action by giving her an almost dirty look and a low growl, "Ruka, don't you dare have one of your fits with Y/N or there will be consequences."

Ruka slightly flinched at the threat but nodded in submission. 

I wasn't totally sure what to say so I kept my mouth shut. Another few moments of awkward silence are heard before Takuma claps his hands together, making everyone jump. 

"How about I show you to your room? Class starts in fifteen minutes so you better hurry and set up all of your things!" 

I nod slowly and grab my bags from the doorway. I look back at the group before following Takuma up the stairs. I think about my class as we walk through the halls. 

'They sure are a weird group...'

We suddenly stop in front of a white door with gold outlining. I had noticed every door had different colored accents. I open the door and walk into the giant room. It had a big bed right in the center with gold veil like sheets covering it.

'Even in my sleep I get  privacy...' I think to myself. 

In one corner was a pink and F/C screen for me to dress behind. In the other corner was a giant F/C dresser next to a vanity. It was a lot like my room back home, but slightly emptier. 

"I leave you to it then! Be sure to come down in ten minutes so we can go to class, alright?" 

I nod and Takuma lightly closes the door. 


(DISCONTINUED)The Hunt for the Hunter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora