Chp 5

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Well I woke up today and blake was picking my clothes and he told me to put them on and I did and now I heading.out the door and when blake said"selena please be carefull today I just have a bad fealling about something" and I said" yeah Ill try my best to be carefull" and we went tobthe car to school

               10 mins later...

    We are arriveing at school and blake got my wheel chair and I said" I need cruches" and he said" yes and how many more weeks untill your leg heals?" And I said" uh...i think next fri I can get this cast off" and blake said" ok so thats only one more whole week" and I said" yes I cant wait so I can walk again" and I got into my wheel chair and we went in side and I went up to class and in 4th block I had to go out side along with a another class and blake happend to be in that other class and we all had to pick a partner from the other class and of course me and blake became partners and right as soon as I went to get us papers this guy name jake came up to me and pushed me out of the wheel chair and started hitting me and punching me and blake looked up and saw  jake punching me  and hitting me and blake came and pulled jake off of me and started puching him and blake broke jakes arm and blake looked at me and said" are you ok?" And I said" yeah am I bleeding or brused or have a mark on my face?" And blake said" yes your bleeding yes your brused and yes you have alot of marks on your face"and he picked me up and brung me to the nurse and called my mom and the hospital and the doctors said" shes alright and she can already take her cast off to do you want me to take it off?" I said" yes" and he took it off and my foot was all sweaty and everything it was not a pretty site the doc handed me medicen and its soposed to make me tierd and sleep and I am so tierd well.i going to go to sleep for the night

                ...In the morning...

Well I just woke up and I got up and walked and I ran back to my room screaming happy and woke blake up and I said" I can walk I can walk!!!"and blake said" yeah.i know you got it off yesterday dont you remember?" And I said" well only a little I remember seeing my foot when he took it off but I thought that it was a dream and blake said"hey do you want to go on a walk?" And i said"of course!" And when I got back from the  walk my mom said" that her water just broke!!!!" And ME,BLAKE,MOM,DAD  all rushed to the hospital and the hospital took mom to the delivery room and the drs told me and blake to wait out in the waiting room and  5HRS later the nurses and drs told me and blake to go see my sibibleing  the only reason the the drs didnt tell us if it was a boy or girl because my mom wanted to tell me and we went in the room that mom was in then she said" do you want to hold your SISTER and BROTHER" my mom had TWINS and I was like OMG!!

And I held the both of them and I started crying because I was soooo happy and blake held them to my mom name my lil sister brook and my brother after my boyfriend because they liked blake and so the the nanes of the twins are brook and blake and blake felt soo special

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