The Church of Szendvicsek

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                          The Church of Szendvicsek was a religious temple dedicated to the worship of that which is sandwiches. Every Sunday, members would gather in the worship room at 6 A.M. sharp for the battle of the Grilled Cheese Faction and The PB&J House. It was always quite interesting to see each sides' opinions and weapons of the day, as usually some type of moldy green sandwiches were thrown from one side to the other. After the half hour battle between the two sides, Minister Squealing would climb the step of the stage to shout the greatness of sandwiches that tended to abuse the ears of those there, as he squealed it out over a microphone. After Minister Squealing's abusive message, the members of The Church of Szendvicsek would gather to discuss small talk about the goodness and deliciousness of sandwiches and their founder, a Hungarian immigrant, Minister Dán Sivító.

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