Chapter 1

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Esmeralda was one of the unique people in the town of jasper navada, she was part android and the technology of it was tremence, many scientist want to discover this new equipment. She was a good use to the government helping them on there task, her father was a scientist but disappeared when she was born. Her mother was the only that she had, her mother cared for her and everything. She's been helping her alot with every task at hand, she did it only for her mother so she could be happy and proud of her.

   One day agent fowler came and told me that She would be working for the team prime, it was the top secret of the government. She was really excited to meet the team prime she always wanted to meet them everytime the other told about them.

Emerald's POV
     (The picture above is esmeralda)This is going to be awesome!' I thought to myself I always wanted to meet team prime. I hope they are great like the others say they were, there are other soldiers that were with us to go to the team prime. One of them is geno my best friend who've been there for me, we always have each others back like the last mission that we have with our squad. 'I miss them' I thought to myself, then we got on the truck and head towards the secret base where the team prime would be. After an hour we finally arrived we entered a secret tunnel, it was huge like a robot could fit in here. We drove to the main area and saw the team prime were there waiting and there were vehicles that didn't look like the ones used in the goverment. The truck stop and we fot off and form a line but agent fowler pulled me to his side, "you're not training with them" he said and walk to the leader of the team and I just followed him. "Hello prime, this is our new recruets to be trained by you and your team mates" he said, "of course agent fowler we will train them" the guy named prime said. "Oh and this is esmeralda she is one of the best soldiers in the government, she is well trained" he said gesturing to me. "Hello" I said, "I hi" the guy with blonde hair said "the names bum- I mean bee" he said, "nice to meet you" I said with a smile.

    "Esmeralda can you scout to the skies for anything strange?" Agent fowler asked "yes sir!" I saluted and went to the elevator with the team prime behind. When we got there I went to the edge, "woah! What are you doing in the edge you might fall!" The guy with green hair said, "bulk relax she's an android she can do it" said agent fowler. The team were shocked about what agent fowler said he nodded for me to go, I jump of the cliff and took out my wings and fly up and fly around for anything suspicious, I could see the base from here cool! I was now in the no fly zone where there are jets surrounded me when they saw me they just soluted and went on. Yea the government informed about me being able to fly, the suddenly one of the jets got shut and exploded atleast the driver was injected from the jet while it didn't exploded yet, then another one got shot I looked behind me and I saw a jet firing at us. I informed the jet flyers to go to the clouds so the jet could not see us, they did as I told and hid into the clouds the jet followed us but he didn't see us. Then it turn away when he was about to leave I shoot him in the right wing it screamed!? 'What the hell!? Jets can scream!?' I thought to myself when I saw the drivers was empty, I caught the jet and fly towards a distance away so that the other jets could get out, then suddenly there's another one no there's tons of them! Coming straight towards me.

    'They must be here for the jet, I threw the jet straight to them and they caught it, I saw one of the jets was observing me then it flew towards me carefully and circled around me. 'I gotta get out of here' I thought to myself and flew down at a speed of light and flew up and got to the base. When I got there I saw the others looked at me worried(?), "what happened!?" Said agent folwer, "me and the other jets got attacked by another jet and I took care of it then suddenlly there were a group of jet were flying towars us and threw the jet at them then one of the jet circled around me and I flew away" I said with one single breath.

    "Decepticons..." Optimus said "decepticons?" I said confused on what's going on, "esmerald go to the hangar when everyone is at there quarters" agent folwer said. "Yes sir!" I saluted and went on my patrol, I was just flying around again then suddenly a green blue like portal open right infront of me, 'what the heck!?' I thought as I stop infront of it "what hell is this thing!?" I shouted to myself. Then suddenly some jets flew out and they were all coming straight toward me 'nope not gonna happen' I took off and try to get them out of my tail so that I couldn't get caught by one of them. Then one of the jets was trying to blast my wings and it succesfully did and now I was going to crash to a forest, 'I could get some covers from the trees' I thought to myself and head on when I was near a tree I grab the branch and swing up and landed in it, I hid myself from the leafs to get out from view then the jets came landing and transformed 'wow! Robots!? No way! But I gotta hide before they see me' I thought to myself as I hid myself further into the leaves.

   "Sir we have no sign of the girl... We've lost her" the robot said and jump a little as I heard a voice and then a portal open and step in a big silver robot bigger than the others. "You idiots! You let her get away!" He roared at them and the robots back up a little, then a slender robot came out and stood beside the silver one, "statement: sir the girl is here hiding in the trees" a sentence pop out of it's face. "Hmmm... Find her!" He demanded the other robots then when I look back at the purple slender bot it was now right in front of my face I yelp as it grab me. "Ah good work soundwave you found her" the silver robot said, 'soundwave? Huh that must be this bots name' I thought to myself. I struggle to get out but failed, then I remember that I could teleport, heh they won't know what would hit them, I focus and now I was glowing and when I open my eyes I was in another area where it was a clearing. I called agent folwer "esmerald!? Where are you!? We've been looking everywhere!" He shouted, "sheesh you know my ear is sensitive but I need some help some giant robots trying to catch me" I said, "where are your coordinates?" He asked. I gave him my coordinates and he told me to stay and hang on has he hang up, 'I hope those robot can't find me before agent folwer gets me'. Then the ground shook alerting that was someone was near, I hid behind a tree and cloak myself so they can't spot me, I peep out and saw a blue robot. "Knockout did you find her yet?" He asked the red robot, 'wow he must be knockout and he has a nice paint job but not awesome as mine' I thought to myself while watching them. "No, where could that human go?" He said "umm... She's an android" the blue robot/mech "breakdown do you have her readings?" Knockout asked, "yea but it said that she was here but she isn't" the robot who's blue name breakdown said. "She must be hiding somewhere in the trees" said knockout, I scan them both without getting caught and just stay put on where I was sitting, I wait and waited but then a crash was heard and the ground shook I peep out behind the tree and saw a big green bot fighting the bot named breakdown and knockout was battling a blue and pink robot and then I uncloak myself, 'something tells me that they are to help me' I thought myself.

(1496 words in one chapter woohoo, that was great! Man my brain was bleeding from every english. I'm a filipina btw, I hope you guys like this chapter cause there is more coming!)

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