Abi's pov

I opened a white door to my new bedroom. It was a big house and Pops told me o2l all lives in here together.

Across from me had a white door with APF spray painted on it. Dad told me i wasn't aloud in it.

The house wasn't lived in since o2l moved out. I asked why and i got "you will find out soon"

My room was painted a mint green, purple, and blue. My bed was pushed into the corner and i had a dresser and a desk. 

The room across from me use to be Connor's sister's room, i never knew Uncle Connor had a sister but i wasnt told her name.

I walk into her room. The walls were covered in spray paint. It looks like she just left. The thick layer off dust everywhere tells me its been a long time since someone walked in here.

I few photos scattered the dresser and nightstand. A group of boys and girls with tattoos, piercings, and colourful hair. There was a picture of Uncle Connor and a girl that sorta looked like him. They were young, like 10 or 11ish. She had a few posters taped into her closet.

I was nosey, so i opened her nightstand. A pack of cigs, beer bottle caps, a lighter, a few pictures of my uncles, and a newspaper article.

I grabbed the newspaper. In big letter it say "Criminals save little kids"

A group of bad eggs save children from a burning adoption center. The gang ran off before we could question them. We found the criminals to be Kat Dallas, Matt and Luke Hemmings, Brianna and Iggy Morrison, and Parker Franta. The pictures are there mug shots.

Wow, so that's AP Franta. Still doesn't explain shit.

I shoved the paper back into the nightstand and went near the window.

Huh, that's weird, the window is a perfect getaway.

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