Chapter 2- Zack

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'Fuck sake' I say as I walk out of my house shaking my frustrating phone. 'Why wont this thing work!' I mutter as I try to find signal. Why do I even need to call each day, I'm 18 now so you would think I would be aloud to live my life without having to call my mum.

I moved out literally 4 days ago and have spoken to my mum more times since than I ever did when I lived at home. I moved out to get away from it all. I own a small bungalow which I share with a caretaker. He's alright, nothing special but he tells me what's what and who's who.

My phone starts beeping as it finally receives signal then immediately starts ring.

I let it ring for two counts as I collected my thoughts then answered. As I expected it was my mother. Brilliant. After 5 minutes of her going on, I disconnected the call, I'll just blame it on the signal and ring her back later. Putting my phone back in my pocket, a flash of red moved in the near distance. Looking up I saw it was the curtain of the ghost girls house. Richard, the caretaker, looks after the house for the girl. He says he was given strict instructions not to speak or even acknowledge her. She is real but very ghost like in the sense that no one ever sees or hears her... if it wasn't for Richard, people would assume no one lived there.

Seeing the curtains move made me wonder whether she saw me then hide. If she was looking at me then why hide...? I wonder. Maybe i could ask Richard to join him when he next goes round just to say hello?

Leaving the autumn trees, I went back inside to find Richard but as I walked to the front door he was just leaving.

'Hiya Zack, talking to your mum again? I was just leaving for work'

'Yeh, she calls me everyday twice! She says the same thing each time though, pointless really...oh yeh, just remembered, are you going over to next door today?' I inquired in a friendly tone.

'Yeah, Im headin over there now, why..?' he replied suspiciously

'Cas I was thinking of just...' Wait, if Richards been told he's not aloud to speak to her then he won't let me come if I say I want to introduce myself! Crap!

'...Ehh..' Quickly!! Umm... Think! Excuse! I need an excuse!!

'...just helping you out, getting so experience at house work..?' Shit! Will he by it?

'Why do you want to do housework?'

'Eh...well... Experience! So I can get a job, please mate you would really be helping me out, with eh, work and stuff?' I say as smoothly as I can

'Well theres not much to do but sure, I'll help you out... why not!' He said easily

I could have almost hugged him, but I with held the urge and followed him over.

As we enter the house, it feels empty and bare. Guilt washed over me as I selfishly only thought about myself, the girl lives alone and there must be a reason for it. Me coming in uninvited is...wrong...

Just as I was about to leave, I heard footsteps creep along the floor above. I followed them with my eyes until they stopped at the stairs. Stepping up, I looked round and saw the ghost girl. To my delight she was no ghost. Beautiful as the summer sun, her face held an luminous glow. Her long brown hair swept past her shoulders and right down to her belly button. Her lips were plump and pink; perfect to kiss. Even from the distance I could see her brilliant blue eyes sparkling as they looked back at me. As soon as our eyes meet she spiralled off back down the corridor to the room she came from. Slyly, I slip away from Richard and carefully climb the stairs being careful not to make a squeak. When I reached the top of the stairs, 3 battered doors are spread across the landing. Guessing the 3rd one is hers, I went to knock but found that it was open but only the tiniest bit.

Peeping silently through the slit, I watched as she stood painfully still...what is she thinking....?

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