Chapter 2

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I sat on the fire exit of my apartment with my brother, Kyle. "So, how was work?" I asked as i took a drag of the cigarette i just lit. Kyle shrugged his shoulders. "My boss's wife caught him fucking one of the co-workers in the break room, so that's something," he said casually with a smirk. My eyes widened and I snorted. "Oh wow," I said while smiling. "Get this," Kyle said, "Mark Matthews, from school." My eyes could've popped put of their sockets. "No. Fucking. Way." I said. "Way. So my boss is gay and probably paying the price for it by 'repenting his sins in the Crosslife Church'," Kyle mocked in a really thick southern accent. Kyle and I lived in Smackover, Arkansas. A little hick town full of dope dealers and.. yeah that's pretty much it. The town was crawling with drug addicts and God knows what else. We lived deep down south, about ten minutes from the Louisiana border. I couldn't help but laugh out loud this time. Kyle and I were different from the average siblings. He was my best friend, my comforter. I would rather hang out with Kyle than any other person. Every one here is interested in finding a way to get drunk or high, instead we find a way to go four wheeler riding in the mudholes. "Oh my Lord," I said as I passed the cigarette to Kyle. "How was your work at the bowling alley,"  Kyle asked. "Caught some kids outside smoking a joint. They made me be the bad guy and threaten to call the cops. I mean, Christ Sake they just wanted to get high and go bowling. So what? Let them." Kyle nodded his head, "Well I'm about to shower and go to sleep. Night sis." I waved goodbye at him as he slipped back in the window. I took in my surroundings in the nice, cool Fall weather. It was ten 'o' clock at night, methhead hours. Cars were lgithing up the streets in a 100-200 population count. This was sickening. I lived in the apartments behind the tenth church in this tiny town. This town was so small there was only one grocery store, Dollar General, gas station, pizza place, and restaurant. Not even a mall or a police station. We had to call the cops from the town down the highway. But thank God we had about fifteen churches. Can't even have a decent mall, but we can have a million and fifty churches. "I need TP," Kyle spoke in my head. Yeah, that's right. we're telepathic. That's our deep dark secret that no one but our mother can know. We can speak in each other's minds and see the future. I sighed as I stepped in through the window and headed to get Kyle his "TP".

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