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Leafy: hey there! How's it going?!

KillMePlease: Who in the bloody hell are you and why are you texting me?

Leafy: Oh. So you're British~ I like that

KillMePlease: Kys mate

Leafy: OMG you're Australian now

KillMePlease: Actually, I'm a combination of British, Irish and Australian

KillMePleas: I'm British tho

Leafy: dats hot dude

KillMePlease: I don't need to reply to that when my name has it all

Leafy: What's yo name guuurl?

KillMePlease: I'm a facking male bb

Leafy: oh sorry mate just fucked up yayyyyyyayayayayyay -_-

KillMePlease: Wats with the name Leafy?

Leafy: I dunno I'm just really attracted to the letter L

KillMePlease: Take an L mate

Leafy: oh shit... I got roasted by a stranger daaaanguuyr and you know what they say, never trust a stranger hueheudhuehehehue

KillMePlease: You're god damn annoying

Leafy: My name's Calvin, I'm 17. How about you?

-KillMePlease has changed his name to PyroCynical-

Pyrocynical: Noice grammar btw

Pyrocynical: My name's Niall, I'm 18 and I fucking looooove furries... Jk, they are cringe worthy

Leafy: Ah so you changed your name. I like that name

Leafy: What's your second name?

Pyrocynical: Find out in the next episode on Dragon Ball Z ;p

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