Sad Harry styles imagines

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Your pov

Its winter.The third winter.iIts been three years.ive been living my own life alone.Without him.Harry styles I miss him.I still remember every part of him.His green eyes.His dorky smile.His messy hair that I just loved to touch.Everything.Hes my everything the only thing thats important to me.In these three years all I did was wait for him,he promised me he wouldnt leave,he made me believe he's not like the rest.He's...different.I had his purple jack wills jumper I've been keeping it inside my drawer I haven't woren it since that night he gave it me...The night that changed my life forever.

Harry's pov

Three years ago

It's almost 12am. Me and Y/N are just sat on the couch at mine cuddling I was about to fall asleep until.

"Harry" Y/N whined

"Yes,Kitten" I replied

"can we go for a walk?" she questioned

I looked out side and looked back her and shook my head

"no sorry kitten it's to dark and I don't want you getting hurt"

"Plleeaassee Harry I'm bored just sat here inside" she begged


"fine then" she huffed and folded her arms in front of her chest

I sighed and cuddle up to her but she moved slightly I looked back out side and then back at her


She jumped up with excitement like a little kid on Christmas day.she grabbed my hand and dragged me out side.

We have been walking for 5 minuits now and Y/N has turned blue so I stop in my track and take of my jack wills jumper and hand it to her.

"no you need it Harry I'm fine" she shivered

"Y/N I can tell when your lieing and look at you you blue" I laughed

And she gave in and put it on. I put my arm around her shoulder and we walk down the road abit more.

Your pov

Harry gave me his jumper and I put it on and kept walking. Half a hour later we arrived at the park were we first met

"do you remember when we met each other here"Harry asked

"yeah that's day you ruined my favourite top with your coffe" I laughed

"yeah but it was worth it if I didnt walk in to you we wouldn't have met each other"

"fare point styles"

When we finished in the park we started of back home.

Harry's pov

It's 1:30 now and were on our way home. Where have way home now When Y/N spotted a cat I the road

"awe look at the cat" she says

And let's go of my hand to where the cat is.i slowly make my way when I saw two head lights going straight in Y/N's direction I didn't know what to do so I ran

"Y/N!!! MOVE" I pushed her out the way and next minuit everything goes dark.


Your pov

Present time

Now i am here,looking at his grave,wishing I could go back in time and change everything he kept his promise. He told me he would always protect me and he did. He protected this stupid little girl and risked his own life. I wish I didn't act so stupid on that night,I wish I never asked to go on a midnight walk,I wish I agreed when he said no,I wish I never begged him,I wish I never saw that cat, i wish Harry didn't save me, so I died and never suffer the pain of not having him in my life anymore, I wish it was just a dream and I would wake up soon and be in his arms, I wish it never happened

"hi Harry.... It's me Y/N I miss you do you miss me? It's been three years now. I l-love you. I will be with you soon well I've got to go I will see you tomorrow..." as I walked away I broke down.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 29, 2013 ⏰

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