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I broke your heart
I tried to feel pain
But im painless
I made you smile
I tried to smile
But I was empty
I would say sorry
But, why say sorry if I dont means it?
Im painless
Im helpless
All im asking is a scar on my heart
All im asking is for pain
All im asking is for light
All im asking for is a smile
Why am I painless?
I want to feel something
I only feel the need of fuel
I only feel hunger
Please let me be human
Let me have a heary
A soul
Not a system
I want to feel love
I want to feel pain
I want to feel sadness
All I feel is hunger
And emptiness
Why didn't god make me human?
I have the mechanics to ask questions
And to provide answers
But not the mechanics to feel
I want to feel your skin
I want to feel your warmth
I want to feel your heartbeat
Is being a human too much to ask?
I set in black in white
You see in rainbows
Let me see
Let me feel
For one day I ask
Im just a robot that is used to follow orders
But I was different to him
And yet
I turned him apart
And yet
I feel painless
Let feel what a human feels.

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