part two

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I woke up from last night. I feel rather revealing today so I gladly chose my short denim shorts. I chose a thin layer shirt that reveals my animal printed bra. Oh god, I remember marcel. Shit, shit, shit!!! You gotta look good Y\N. Oh and don't fail this time.

I'm really excited meeting Marcel this morning. I mean I could show some moves that could turn him on somehow. I grabbed my make up kit and curled my hair. I put on the best perfume I've ever had. Last night was a thrill, well, for me. I wonder how loud I actualy screamed last night.

Oh my fucking God. I hope too well I wasn't that loud. See what you did, Marcel?

I applied the last touch on my eyeliner and head downstairs. In my previous years in high school, I always felt shame on my body. I have stretch marks, my stomach is not much likely toned and my thighs stick together. I wasn't that actual flawless. But regardless, I feel so confident today. I grabbed my bag and drove to the campus. I recieved whistles and winks, and I'm dis appointingly disgusted.

Come on, do this for Marcel.

I reached first class which is Technology, and I won't be with Marcel within two hours until the next class. I groaned.

Excite has gotten into my nerves as the bell rang, signalling for the next classes. I've set off my heels and faced the door of history class. I took a breath and opened it. My eyes scanned for the boy I've been yearning for since yesterday, but I immediately frowned to find him no where. He must've ditched history again to study for Mathematics. Trust me, his main goal is him keeping up with being a mathematician. Well our math teacher, basically, loved him more than anything, which is the opposite of what he does to me. Out of all subjects, math is the demon. I know have to pass but seriously, our math teacher barely even speaks loudly.

I frustratingly sat down to my seat, beside me was obviously empty. God I can't help but look for that damn boy.

It's fine, he was just a nerd any way.

3 subjects passed, and It's break time. I went over the cafeteria and joined Sara, my cousin, also know as my best friend. " You actually managed to look good today!" She squeaked. I chuckled at her recent behavior and sat down with my tray of food. " Actually, you don't look bad yourself." It's true though, she wore better clothes than me. " I mean you actually wore shorts! Since when did is the last time I saw you wear one?" She smiles.

" Since we were 12?" Yeah.

" That's a long time." Her long blonde locks stays laid on her left shoulder and she looked absolutely beautiful. 

" I know, I looked bad at shorts." I can't help but feel concious over my body again. 

" No! Did you even see the guys making dirty remarks about you? How about the winks and whistles? And stares?" She explains and I sigh. " Wait.. Are you actually wearing shorts.. Just for someone?" My eyes widen at her guess. She's right. I never wear bottoms unless they were below my knee, unless I was craving for someone. " Y\N, you like someone, do you?" she raises her brow.

" I.. I.. Ah, fuck. Yes, I do." I finally gave in. This girl knows me a fucking lot. She smirks and leaned closer across from the table. " Who is this guy?" The smirk is still plastered from her face.

" Should I really tell you?" 

" Why the fuck not, c'mon Y\N, we've been hanging out since diaper years." She sips on her drink.

I bit my lip before I spoke. " It's Marcel." 

She actually spits out the liquid she sipped. " Marcel? You mean Marcel Styles?" Her eyes widened. " Yeah, it's not like he's bad and all.. Go ahead, judge me."

Marcel Dirty ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now