Rulers of The Ocean|Tsunami Jousuke x Reader|Part 1

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Rika's POV

The water freaks rushed to the sea and dived in it. As they startes surfing, Tsunami and (first name) were looking very happy to be in the sea with each other. I smirked and yelled "Try to use one surfboard for both of you." Tsunami did what I said and jumped on (first name)'s surfboard. 

Tsunami's POV

Hmm, this seems as an good opportunity. And I jumped on the back of her surfboard and mine went it's own way to the beach. "T-Tsunami, What are you doing?" she said. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall." I said and layed my arms on her waist. "T-Tsunami, d-do you really know what you're doing?" she said again. "I know what I'm doing but if you move to much we wil both fall, Have trust in me" I said and held her closer to me. We were having fun until the wave became bigger and we both fell into the water. I woke up and saw that everyone was standing around me and (first name) was holding my hand. "Thank goodness, you're save." she said. I was trying to sit noramly but (first name) gave me a sudden hug. I blushed and asked: "Is something wrong?" she shook her head and said: "I just felt like to do it." I blushed even more. Endou said: "Let's start our search for that person." They all nodded and went trough Okinawa seeking for someone that was known under the name: "Flame Striker" I went to search together with (first name) and asked her who that person was. "We think that the 'Flame Striker' might be our old Ace Striker. We were all disappointed when he had to leave the team." she said. "And why are you looking for him?"I asked. She answerd: "So we can win in our match against the Alien's of Alius Academy." "Wh-What? Alien's? Do they really exist?" I answerd. "I don't know if it's true or not but we have to fight them!" She said. 

Time Skip; After the Torch appearence, Late in the afternoon/Begin Evening

Endou's POV

I told (first name) and Tsunami the story of what happend and then (first name) said: "So there is still a possibility that Gouenji here is." I nodded. "I hope that it's true but for now let's go eat." We all ate together with Tsunami. I want him to him to play with us against Alius. I'll ask it later. After dinner Tsunami and (first name) walked together. Rika, Kabeyama, Kurimatsu, Tokou, Aki, Natsumi, Fubuki and I followed them because Rika said that they didn't went out for a walk but on a date. We wanted to see if it was true or not. "I don't think that it's a good idea to spy on their date, Especially when it's (first name)-san." Kabeyama said. Rika giggeld and said: "But don't you wanna see what they are doing?" We continued watching while we followed them.

Tsunami's POV

We were walking over the beach with a ball. And after a while she asked me: "Say Tsunami, what do you think of soccer?" I answerd her: "It's very diffrent from surfing but I like it though." She smiled and said: "Want to play a bit?" While throwing the ball to me. I nodded and we started to play a bit. It was very fun we were both smiling. After a while we sat down and were looking at the sea. "Ugh, my head. That Rika really gives me  an headache. She isn't even around us at the moment." she said. "You can lay your head on my lap if you want." She nodded and layed her head on my lap. "Say Tsunami, want to surf again with me?" She said. I answerd: "It would be very cool and fun if I can surf with you again." But suddenly (first name) held my head with her hands and bowed my head towards her. "There are people around us place the ball besides my feet. I want to fake a kiss and then shoot it to their way." She whisperd in my ear. I placed the ball right next to her foot and leaned in to "kiss her". Then she used a hissatsu shoot called: "Trident" and shoot it to the trees. I helped her up and she caught Endou, Fubuki, Kabeyama, Kurimatsu, Tokou, Aki, Natsumi and Rika spying on us. The first thing she said: "Which idiot gave you the idea to spy on us?" And they all looked towards Rika. (first name) was furious, everyone was holding her back while Rika was running away. "That, ugh. Why does she have to spy on us. We were out for a walk didn't I told you that." she said. "Calm down, (first name)-san." Kabeyama told her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me. I was looking in her eyes while I  said:"Calm down, I told you she isn't worth your attention. I don't mind that they were spying on us. We didn't kiss so it's okay." Fubuki said confused: "But we just saw you kiss?" I said: "It was a fake kiss." 

(first name)'s POV

They all looked confused. "Are you sure you too didn't kiss?" Tokou said. We both said: "We are sure of it!" They all looked kind of reliefed. "U-uhm btw, How old are you guys?" Tsunami asked. We said that we were 14. "Well, I'm 15." He said. .... "WHAT??!" we all said. "It's okay if you call me by my name, I don't want to be called in a formal way."he replied. "By the way, (first name) can you come with me for a second? I want you to show something WITHOUT YOU ALL" he said. They all left and he brought me to a cave next to the sea. "Here you can find me if you ever need me." He said. "Why are you just showing this to me?" I asked. He answerd: "This is my secret place I don't trust it to anyone. Except you, I think you're my trust worth" I hugged him. "Wh-Why are you hugging me?" He asked. "As a thanks for you to say that I'm your trust worth." I answerd. "Come I'll walk you back." he said. I nodded and he walked me back to the rest of the team.



 Tsunami: Nice begin, and you did use the idea of me surfing ;)

Troussy: Seriously, that's the only thing you can think about.

Endou: But it's a cool story start.

Tsunami: I hope you'll make me surf again.

Troussy: -_- Why did I even chose to do you?

Tsunami: Well, cya all in the next story.

Everyone: *Waves*  Bye!!

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