Meeting Bruce

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D/C: stands for Dress Color (NOT Favorite color because in some cases, like mine, it's best you don't go to a party dressed like a funeral.)(Just pick a color that looks good on you.)(You do you)
F/D: Fancy drink (sparkling apple juice, wine, beer)(It's gaining to be in a champagne glass)

Your P.O.V
You sighed and collapsed on the sofa in your father's home as your assistant carried in your 10 or so bags.  You looked around at the home you had known all your life.  So familiar yet strange, you had rarely come to visit your father and when you did, he was either too drunk or too tired to care.  "Some things never change."  You said stroking the old furniture.
"You know,". You said to your assistant, just getting through the door out of breath.  "I remember when my sister and I played here.  It all seems like a distant memory now."  Before your assistant could reply, another voice spoke.  "Ms. Y/N!"  You heard a familiar voice and the quick, heavy steps of your closest friend and ally, Your maid/butler, Ms. Tunstra ran over to you. 
"Nan!"  You cried out joyfully, loosing your professionalism as childish happiness filled you up as Ms. Tunstra embraced you in a hug.  "Blessed child.  My how you've grown!"  She said as she pulled back from the hug.  Placing her hands on your shoulders, she looked your over, a tear in the corner of her eye.  "A proper lady."  You smiled at her compliment.  "It's been so long-". Your voice cracked and you were embraced in another short hug.
"Shh Shh.  It's alright."  Nan said, patting your back.  You assistant looked at the pair of your in awkward silence.  "Um... Ms. Y/N."  She finally mumbled.  You turned to her, a serious face once again on your face.  "Right."  You said nodding at Nan.  "Nana can you please take my bags to my room?"  Nan bowed and, taking three bags, left the room.
As you walked to your father's old office you asked your assistant.  "Did you send the letter?"  She nodded.  "Yes Ms. But there is a good chance he will not show."  "I know but it's best to try.  He is rather unpredictable."

Bruce's P.O.V
Bruce sat at his office desk brooding.  Poison Ivy had recently gotten away with a small loan of a million dollar from the Gotham Bank.  Being Batman, he just had to stop it but the problem was, the great detective couldn't find her.
Bruce hit the table angerly as a faint knock could be heard on the door.  Bruce covered his head with his hand.  "Come in."  He said sternly.  The door opened and Alfred waltzed in, letter in hand.  "Letter from Ms. Y/N Dehai, inviting you to this evenings welcoming party."
"I can't go Alfred."  Bruce said, almost immediately, studying the tape from Ivy's escape yet again.  Alfred stared at the man for a second before walking over and pushing the letter towards him.  "Master Wayne, I insist you go.  You may not care about the empire your parents left behind but I do.  And frankly I don't like to see business drop."  Alfred attempted to use the old 'parents would have wanted' speech on Bruce.
Bruce shook his head but said nothing.  Alfred sighed.  "You need a break Master Wayne.  Maybe go out and meet a few NORMAL people?"  Alfred emphasized normal with an eyebrow raised.  "But-" Bruce was about to make up another excuse before Alfred cut him off.  "No excuses.  As your business advisor, butler, guardian, and closest friend, I order to to do Sir."
Bruce looked up, eyebrow mimicking Alfred's.  Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  "Alfred I have a case to do."  Bruce said sharply.  Alfred looked sadly at him.  "Promise to think about it Master Wayne?"  He said as he left the room.  Bruce looked at the piece of paper lying on the desk, his named hand-written and shook his head, clearing it of party thoughts and back to the matter at hand.

You clinked your glass against your assistants as you looked at the grand party before you.  "To your success Ms."  She said.  You nodded and sipped the glass of F/D in your hand. 
You were standing in a wonderful D/C dress.  Your dress fit wonderfully, hugging your waist and giving you an elegant curve.  Fancy was a simple way to describe your garb.  Your assistant was in a similar colored attire, a lighter, simpler design.
You handed your drink to your assistant as you noticed fairly important sponsors heading your way.  "Excuse me for a moment."  You said to her as you approached them. 
"Ahh!  Ms. Dehai!"  You smiled.  "Harvey.  It's a pleasure to finally meet."  You replied, holding out a hand.  Harvey bowed.  "The pleasure is all mine."  He said, kissing your hand.  "The place looks wonderful.  To be expected of such a refined lady like yourself."  Harvey said flirtatiously.  You assistant came up behind you and peeked around your shoulder at him. 
"Well cheers, to your imminent victory."  Harvey said raising a glass to your campaign.  You took your glass from your assistant.  "Cheers."  You agreed.  You took another sip of your drink before you heard a conversation behind you.
"Have you heard?  Batman just finished putting Poison Icy behind bars."  "I doubt for good.  Those abominations always manage to get out one way or another."  You forced a smile at Harvey and nodded before you turned towards the two gentlemen.  "Batman you say?"  The first man nodded.  "Yes just finished a rather large chase it seems."  The second man laughed.  "Might slow down traffic to your party here though."  Both men laughed and you chuckled forcefully.  "Yes.  Let us hope it does not put them to far behind.  Don't want them to miss my speech."  You turned to your assistant and whispered angrily.  "How many of the priority guests are here?"  Your assistant frantically looked though her paperwork.  "Uh... All but two; The president of Gun Violence control and Bruce Wayne."  You rolled your eyes.  "How rude.  Well I suppose I'll just have to begin my speech without them."
You walked up to the podium and cleared your throat, drawing the attention of the crowd.  "Good Evening and Welcome."  You held out your arms.  "To my first campaign party of the season..."
[One Speech Later . . . ]
The crowd clapped politely as you smiled and exited the stage.  Hidden from the crowd, you took a deep breath and closed you eyes, leaning into the wall.  You silence was interrupted by a slow, steady clap.
Opening your eyes, you looked at the man in front of you.  "Excellent speech.  I'm -" He stretched out his hand and you quickly shook it.  "Bruce Wayne.  I know."  You said, interrupting him.  Bruce looked taken aback for a moment before ru turning the shake.  "Ms. Dehai.  Got your letter.  So sorry I'm late.  Traffic was a killer."  You smiled.  "Please, call me Y/N."  You said. 
It would be a great tactical advantage having Bruce on your side in the campaign so you needed to suck up to him as best you could.
You walked out with him into the party room.  "I'm sure you know many of these fine people."  You said gesturing to the crowd.  Bruce laughed.  "Well I don't get out much."  Your assistant ran over with two glasses of F/D.  "F/D?"  You asked him as you handed him a glass.  "Please."  He took the glass and raised it.  "For Gotham.  May it's streets be one day reformed."  You were taken aback by the strange speech but raised your glass in suit.  "For Gotham."  You agreed, your glasses clinked together, blending in with the festive surroundings.

A/N: Hello Friends, Enemies, General Associates, Internet Memes, ect,
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Sorry it's not quite Batman X Reader yet, the story has to have a base first so don't freak out.  I'm working as best I can right now.  Hope you all are having a fabulous time and I'll try and post soon.
~ApocalypseRaccoon (Last Week Tonight is Fabulous and everyone should watch it because John W. Oliver is the only person who can tell me the stuff going on in the world but I not die of boredom.)

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