The Prophecy of Twins

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The Prophecy of Twins.

Chapter 1.

Saphira's P.O.V.

“Aurora get up! It's our first day of senior year!”, I yelled across the hall to my twin sister's room. I heard a loud “THUD” which probably meant my clumsy twin fell out of her bed, AGAIN.

“Ouch! I'm up you don't have to yell.”, said Aurora from inside her room. I then heard some shuffling and I knew she was trying to untangle herself from her blankets.

See, I know this because when we were little we used to share a room. Every morning she would always manage to some way fall out of her bed. I used to worry that some day she was gonna do some serious brain damage on herself, but I’m used to it now.

I knew that she would climb back in bed to go back to sleep, so I opened her door and sure enough she's about to get back in her bed. I wasn't surprised so I said “ We have a half an hour until we have to leave, so get it moving.”

“ UGH, fine. I'm getting ready. I'll meet you down stairs.”, Aurora said unhappy.

Aurora and I are inseparable. We're twins so we do everything together. But that doesn’t mean we are exactly alike. Yes, we look some what the same, but our personalities are totally different. We both have long black curly hair and purple eyes. That's were the looking alike mostly ends.

Aurora is curvy and can play the piano. It sounds so beautiful. She is shy and keeps to herself most of the time. She really only talks to Astraia and me. She has a birth mark on her left hip shaped like the ankh symbol. She is also left handed. Her favorite color is blue.

I on the other hand am skinny, while a little curvy. I am a dancer and it is my passion. I'm out going and like to speak my mind. I have the same birth mark but on my right hip. I'm also right handed. My favorite color is orange.

Our best friend's name is Astraia, which means star. She is blonde and has blue eyes. She is really short and curvy. She is a true best friend because whenever we need her she is there.

I walk down stairs and go in the kitchen to eat some breakfast. I see our foster parents there as well. They don’t really pay attention to us that much but we don’t really care. It keeps them out of our personal life.

We don't know who our parents are. When we were babies somebody found us on the side of the highway. They took us to the hospital to see if anything was wrong with us. We were completely healthy. The doctor said we were a month old. They then reported us to the police. They tried to find our parents but weren't able to. Ever since then we have been going jumping from foster home to foster home.

Right now we are living with Robert and Cassie Johnson. They are both in they're forties. We came here when we were fourteen and haven't left since. Cassie works at the hospital as a nurse and Robert is a mechanic.

I go to the fridge and get an apple out. Then I sit down on the island. I start to munch on my apple when I hear running feet down the stairs.

In runs Aurora, she's wearing a blue v-neck shirt with some white skinny jeans. On her feet are some blue wedges, she looks cute. She had her hair up in a pony tail. With just little eye liner and clear lip gloss.

“Hey, you copied me!”, we both shout at the same time, pointing a each other.

“No, you copied me. I was up before you. So HA!”, I yell at her.

I'm wearing an orange v-neck shirt with black skinny jeans. On my feet I had orange pumps. I also looked cute. I had my hair down in it's usual curls. With some eye liner and clear lip gloss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2011 ⏰

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