Narry- Save You.

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Harry was the only one who noticed the simple but important changes in his blonde crush.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" Harry asked once everyone was out and Niall and Hadry were left alone in the house they all shared.

Though for tge last few months Niall had been sleeping at his boyfriend's house. John Turn was in his mid twenties and seemed like a nice enough man. Though something was wrong.

Niall looked up at his secret crush with his usually bright eyes a sad and dark blue.

"I-... Nothing." He turned back to face the T.V but Harry sighed and switched it off so he could get Niall's full attention.

"Something Is Wrong! Your eyes are blank, Ni. You don't eat as much and even when you smile I can see you're faking it." The curly haired boy exclaimed and the blonde boy looked at him sadly.

"He'll kill me."

Who? Harry thought angrily and instanly was overcome with the urge to hold Niall in his arms and never let him go.

"J-John. He.. he"

"Ni, does he abuse you?"

Niall's head shot up to face the younger, but older looking, boy infront of him. Niall moved forward and wrapped his arm's around Harry's waist as he cried into his chest.

Harry wrapped his arms around Niall and whispered comforting words into his ear as he tried to calm down.

"I tried to l-leave him but he foud out.. T-that I was in love with y-you and threatened to hurt you."

Niall stayed in an abusive relationship because he loved me. Harry hated himself for that thought, if Niall didn't know Harry he could've left John ages ago.

"I know what your thinking. Don't b-blame yourself." Niall sid as he managed to calm down and stop his full on tears.

"I love you."

There. I said it! Harry thought as Niall looked at him with wide eyes and they were filled with tears and shock.

"You d-do?" Niall said and had a small bit of hope in his eyes and Harry moved forward to kiss Niall on the lips.

Harry pulled back after a minute and for the first time in months, hesaw Niall truely smile and it wasn't fake.

"I-I love you, t-too."

"I'll let Liam deal with John he hates the guy anyway. He'll he pissed because Li sees you as his baby brother" Harry explained and Niall agreed nodding against his shoulder.

Harry began to sing softly to the poor blonde.

Today wad gunna be the day that their gunna throw back to you.

By now you should have somehow relise what you gotta do.

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.

That be that the word is on tge street that the fire in your heart out.

Niall began yo fall asleep at the sound of his.. boyfriend's?.. voice.

Before Harry could get to the chores Niall was asleep barely making a sound.

"I love you Nialler."

So, not my best work. hope ya enjoyed it

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