The Plan You Enacted

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I'd forgotten how boring the game had been. Nothing was really happening, beyond gathering information. 

But now that Peter was involved, everything seemed to be falling into place. There was supposed to be a ball on Thursday evening, and that was where everything would happen. He seemed to have abandoned the idea of doing things in a way that wouldn't upset the balance of power too much; it was what I'd expected from him anyway. 

When I'd appeared with Felix this morning, everyone had reverted back to the cautious respect they'd had when I'd first met them. Good, I thought. They need to remember that we're not friends. Although I would have to draw the line if they started calling me "Your Highness" again. That had been weird enough when it was done ironically. It didn't escape me that Joanna and Diana kept the doors wide open in every room we entered, or that Guinevere went out of her way to avoid narrower tunnels when we went anywhere, or that Kay was nowhere to be seen but every other knight came to check up on me at least once. Even the ones I'd never met.

I was being roped into an embroidery lesson (only Peter's insistence that I wasn't necessary for the next hour kept me from outright rejecting the idea on principle alone) when the most recent one showed up, knocking on the open door and sticking his head into the room. "May I enter?"

I jumped in surprise and stabbed my finger with the needle. "Crap." I licked the blood off, not nearly as concerned as the others seemed to be. Instead, I glanced over at the face peeking in. "Come on in."

He stopped about a foot away from me and knelt down on one knee, taking one of my hands in his. "Highness, I apologize that I have waited so long to introduce myself. I am Sir Percival, of the Round Table."

The best I could manage was a put upon sigh. It was progress; at least this time I managed not to scream in frustration. I took my hand back before he kissed it, like I knew he would. "Nice to meet you. I'm Lily. Now for the love of god, get up off the ground. Felix, you can come out now."

Percival looked bewildered, but did as he was told. Felix entered the room, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "How'd you know?"

I nodded toward the door, where the candlelight in the hall flickered. "Two shadows."

"Really?" Percival looked intrigued. He had a young face, I realized. Almost childlike. "You were able to notice that?"

"Nah." I laughed. "He's just predictable and overprotective. Peter's around too, I'm sure. He just doesn't want to show himself."

"I'm not that predictable," Felix muttered, walking over. He put his forearms on the back of my chair and leaned forward, looking over my shoulder. "Whatcha making?"

Percival gasped in horror. "How dare you act with such indignity to the crown princess, squire!"

Dead silence fell as Felix looked at him in irritation. Very deliberately, without breaking eye contact with Percival, he moved my hair to the side and kissed my temple. I raised an eyebrow; Percival, on the other hand, was flushed an angry red. 

I huffed out a laugh and tapped Felix's nose lightly. "Come on, you're being petty. Stop."

"Petty is my middle name, Highness." Before I could respond scathingly, he clapped a hand over my mouth. "Shh. It's not your middle name, so you aren't allowed to be petty to me, Highness." 

I glared at him and stuck my tongue out. His face screwed up in disgust, but he didn't move his hand. "Did you just lick me?"

Percival looked like he was about to explode, but I didn't pay him any attention for the moment. My brother was too busy being... himself. 

Remember Me *Book 3 Of The Remember the Rules Series*Where stories live. Discover now