Chapter 2

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(Y-n)'s POV

"You shouldn't have done that" Repeats in my head for the one hundredth time today. How did I manage to get put into a situation like this when all I wanted to do was go through the clearance section at hot topic...
"You shouldn't have done that!" The white boy in the ugly thrift shop dress cries out as tears threaten to escape his baby crap colored orbs. "That phone is really important to me you stupid weeb!!" I scowl, "I get it, I watch a lot of porn too, I mean, damn this one time I saw someone put a Batman mask on his d-" "yOU BREAK IT, YOU FIX IT!!!" He suddenly calls while pulling me to the ground to pick up the broken phone pieces, only to shock myself once touching a small shard. "Don't tell me you're that dumb, right?" I raise a brow, followed by a 'heh??' Sound leaving my mouth. "Use your nen you brain-dead weaboo, you can seriously hurt yourself touching this thing!!" I let out a quick sigh "thanks for being concerned for me you damn twink but I'd hate to tell you that I don't really know what the hell this 'nEN' is!!" I frown at the pieces and knowing how stubborn I am, I bend down once again to help him collect the shards. Once my finger comes in contact with the shard, I feel a huge jolt of 'oh shit maybe I should be using this nen crap' hit me throughout my entire body, me collapsing on the floor in pain. "yOU DUMB LITTLE SHIT I TOLD YOU TO NOT-" He stops as he suddenly looks into my eyes, them pleading for him to rid me of this shitload of pain. The twink giggles darkly, only to pull me up by my hair. "Hurts don't it?" I flinch at his words, heaving in pain as little jolts of electricity race through my spine. "I can teach you'll rid you of this pain that you oh-so-stubbornly put yourself in, little one." I start to shake as his tone grows darker by the second. "But, I also know a much much simpler way of ridding the pain...quick and simple..." He reaches his free hand towards my neck. "All I need to do is j-" "TEACH ME NEN!!" I interrupt his murderous intent as the shine in his eyes return. "Really!?!?" He releases me and smiles as if he were fuckin five. "Y-yea, and then I can fix your shitty Nokia phone..." His smile widens, I do admit, it's kinda a 'I was abandoned as a child and I have major daddy issues' way. "Then for now-" he picks me up and places me on his back. "-since you're such a big pussy, I'll carry you to our hideout!!! You can meet my frien-" he suddenly looks down in sadness. I'm guessing that something happened between him and these 'friends' of his. I change the subject "Y-yea, and you can also teach me nen there, right??" He looks up once again and slightly smiles. "Of course it's not that much of a concept really, all you need to do is take your time an-!!" I start to zone out, leaning onto him more. I really, really don't want to get on his bad side anytime soon...
That's how it is, and here I am being scolded by a boy who's name I don't even know. "You can't just fall asleep while I'm talking to you, you know!!! Damn I thought the spiders were rude!" I slightly raise a brow "why the fuck would a spider be considered 'rude??'" He smirks, "ah~ you'll soon see-- what's your name by the way?" I look at his damn awful bowl haircut from the angle of his back. "The name's (y-n)..." His smirk turns into a smile, "(y-n), huh, that name really sounds ugly!!" He bursts into laughter "I bet your name isn't any better!!! What's your name white boy!?!?" He wipes a tear with his boney-ass finger, "the names Shalnark, (y-n) dear..." I look down and shove my face into the crook of his neck, holding in every bit of laughter I was needing so hard to spew. I then feel him shudder. "That name sounds like the noise I make when I can't shit!!!" I burst out, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Oh my GOD YOU THOUGHT (Y-N) WAS BAD!!? SHALN-" he silences me with a 'shhh!!' "We're here!" He smirks at the dusty looking abandoned office building, "here is where your ugly ass will learn nen!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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