Distress beacon

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*Shepard POV*

"Dropping you off next to the distress beacon, commander. A lot of room to land surprisingly." Cortez informs me. I nod as a response.

As Cortez drops us off, everyone points their guns in every direction... including me. Cortez takes off, and the ship appears behind him, exactly where the beacon is. "Garrus, Liara, take a look." I tell them, they then go inside the ship.

*Inquisitor POV*

Everyone was gathered in the courtyard, ready to head out. What they did not know, was why I called them. "So, if the gang's all here, I'm guessing we found Coryphe-spit. Can't wait to shoot an arrow in his arse." sera called you, laughing.

I look to Solus for him to explain. "Actually" Solus starts "Bull should be the one excited... we get to kill a dragon" Bulls eye widened with excitement. "YES, A DRAGON HUNT!" he yells solus continues. "Actually, the dragon will be coming to us. When the... object crashed, it smashed all of the dragons eggs. It will most likely go on a rampage."

"So what. The dragon has the right, its children were killed." Vivienne protestant. Solus gave a dark look at Vivienne. "... A rampage at the nearest town, Redcliff." Vivienne then gave a frightening look.

"Sorry to interrupt." Dorian interrupts. "But how do we plan to get back to the Hinterlands before all of Redcliff is in ruins?" Dorian had a point... but I had the perfect transportation for us.

*Shepard POV*

I was amazed at how much this planet looked like earth... I try not to think about Anderson and everyone fighting. "Shepard, you might want to come in here." Garrus yells I then head for the ship

"What is it?" I ask. Garrus then point to an arrow on the ground with blood on it. "My guess, these people haven't mastered space travel... or decent weaponry." Garrus points out. I examined the arrow closely "I'll have EDI run a blood scan. Liara, what's the intel with the computer." she then gives me a worried look. "... it destroyed Shepard."

"What do mean destroyed?" I ask I walk up to the computer, and it's been hit with what looks like an axe. "It's what I said, it's bean destroyed."

"SHEPARD!" EDI calls. we walk out of the ship "We have a massive contact heading this way."


"No, smaller but... it's coming fast, just north of us."

*General Narration*

"Everyone, eyes up!" Shepard yell. they all point their guns north at a very small plateau. Before they knew it, a dragon lands on it, growling at them. "Uh.... is that what I think it is?" James asked "I've read a lot of human fantasy books." Garrus points out. "And from what people have told me... dragons don't exist."

"Shepard..." Tali asked. "... do you think this thing has children" the dragon then looks at the ship. "I think it's children are under the ship." Javik pointed out. "And that makes this the mother... great." Kaidan said.

The dragon roars, and takes off. "SCATTER!" Shepard yell. Everyone takes off as the dragon lands right in the center of the field. Garrus, Tali, and Javik headed for a small dock. Liara, EDI, James, and Kaidan Hightailed it to a small cliff behind us... and Shepard went to the plateau the dragon was standing on.

Liara threw warp grenades at it, while EDI, James, and Kaidan started shooting. The bullets barely pierced the skin, and the warp grenades did nothing "damn, that thing has tough skin!" James exclaimed. "And biotics do nothing!" Liara added. The dragon then breathed a ball of fire at them, they all dodge it.

As the dragon was about to shoot another, Garrus shoots his sniper at its back left leg. Going through, but not exiting. "Snipers can pierce it, but I don't think we have enough rounds to take it down!" he yells "then aim for the head." Shepard orders over the comm.

Everyone was then shooting with either a pistol, a rifle, or a sniper. Edi deploys a decoy, giving James a chance a climb on it. But the dragon reacted too quickly, it both took out the decoy, and set james flying with one swing of its tail. "Hijo de puta!" James yells. EDI then starts to apply Medi-gel.

Garrus, and Shepard climb to a plateau, and start shooting the dragon with snipers. They manage to damage one of its wings so it couldn't take off... but that doesn't mean it can't breath fire. It spewed a fireball at them, and they had to jump off.

Kaiden distracted the dragon while Tali and Javik ran over to help Shepard and Garrus "this isn't working, Shepard!" Tali exclaims "we'll be slaughtered before we take this thing down!"

"Call the pilot, commander. Tell him to get us out of here!" Javik told him. But Shepard knew what would happen if he did. "If I do that, Cortez will go down before he even lands. As well as if he tries to help us kill it." then, the dragon roared, attracting smaller dragons.

Before they knew it, the dragon swiped the gun out of Kaidans hand, and was holding him down with his claw. The dragon was about to bite Kaidan in half when another dragon starts roaring from the distance, distracting the mother dragon.

"Shepard, another dragon is heading this way!" EDI informed. "Great, Daddy's home from work!" James joked with anger. "But this one's different." EDI continues "How so?" Shepard asks

"... this one has ten other lifeforms riding it..."

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