Chapter 1

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Peeta's POV

It was a beautiful, spring day. The birds chirped. The trees swayed. The wind from the window blowing into my golden locks. I could just paint the seen. Oh man! That reminds me.  I have to go to PAU: Panem Advanced University. I stared at my suitcases ready to leave. It has been my dream to go to PAU.  I can not wait to meat all the professors and students. Especially, the GIRLS! At my high school there were some cute girls, but they only "loved" me for my looks and muscles. I want a girl to love my paintings and personality. Is that too much to ask?

    As I headed down the stairs with my luggage,  I spotted my mom. Let me tell you one thing about my mother. She literally hated me. Everything I did displeased her. She would smack me every night until my father came home. It was a torture chamber. Anyways, my mother met my eyes and just stared at me until I was loaded up in my car. I waved goodbye to my father and brothers.

    As I was driving, I dreamed what my life at PAU might be. Parties. Girls. Friends. Professors. I wanted it so bad. I guessed I would have to find out for myself when I arrived.

Katniss' POV

    I hate today. It came too soon. I can not leave Prim with my mother. She is a drug addict and a bad influence for Prim. Mom started ever since my father's mining accident. It was an awful day. Ever since then I had to take care of the family by doing archery shows at fairs and hunting in the woods.

    I finish packing my bags and took them to my car. I hug my mother and then Prim. Oh Prim. How is she going to survive? I kissed her cheek and whispered, "I love you so much! Never take this off!"

    I hand her a golden locket. It is circular and had a carved Mockingjay, which happened to be my favorite bird. Inside was a picture of Prim and I hugging each other.

    "I will treasure this forever! It is so beautiful," she whispers back.
    "Just like you!"

    Prim smiles and hugs me one last time before I hop into my car. As I drive off, I realize the one thing I would have to face the most was the thing I am most scared of. Strangers. I try to think of good things about PAU, but I can not think of very many things.

    Once I arrive at PAU, I head to the office to see where my room is. A21. My roommate is a girl named Delly, her talent is dancing. After I head up to my room, I saw a bed made. It has purple sheets and zebra print pillows. As I was about to unpack my bags, I turn to see a girl I was assuming to be Delly.

    "Hello! I am Delly! I am a dancer. You must be Katniss."
    "I am having a party for some of the students. Would you like to come?"
    I know I would normally say no to parties, but do I want to be a stranger to completely EVERYONE.

    "Sure. Are there going to be guys?"
    "Why of course, Katniss. Are you looking for a man?"
"No! I was just wondering."
"Oh, you already have a boyfriend?"
"Come on it starts in an hour!"

We take showers and clean ourselves off. Since I never do makeup or hair, unless you count a daily braid, Delly helps me out. She is like a fairy godmother once I look in the mirror. I am wearing a scarlet red dress. My hair is down but a few wavy curls. My makeup is on point and so is Delly.

"Let's go!" exclaims Delly.

As we head up some stairs we go into a room full of people. Some are girls and some are guys. She leads me toward a group of students. I ignore her although she introduces me to them. As soon as she is done, I ask if I could walk around for a bit, since I did not know anyone anyways. As I walk, I notice a guy. Not just any guy though. I have no idea why, but he looked HOT! He had muscles that were smooth to the touch, ash-blonde hair, and eyes blue as the ocean. I needed to find out who this guy was since he made me feel all tingly inside.
"Delly? Delly?" I call looking for her.
"Who is that guy over there?" I ask as I gesture and point towards the mysterious man.
"That is Peeta, Peeta Mellark. He is an artist and single."
"Why does it matter if he is single?"
"So you can date him silly! You should go talk to him!"
"I do not think this is good..." I started to say, but right behind me was Peeta.
As I turned towards him, Delly left. I was in a world of hurt.
"Hello! You look beautiful." His words melted into my hears and on my heart.
"Hi, I am Katniss, Katniss Everdeen."
"What a lovely name! What is your talent? Mine is painting."
"Archery." I say quick, so he does not see me drool.
"Wow! That is impressive. Remind me not to fight with you!" he says with a chuckle. He is just SO cute!
"Your an artist? Maybe you could paint me sometime." What did I say that for? It sounded too needy.
"Yeah, maybe. Can I take you somewhere? It is not far."
I debate whether or not to go. By now, I have become a bit more social.
"Yes." I answer.
We go out of the people packed room and he leads me up a couple of stairs. We go into a dark room. Once he flips the lights on, I find there is a chandelier above our heads, gold and red walls, and murals are painted on the ceiling.
"Wow!" we both say.
"I know we barely know each other, but I want to get to know one person individually. So, I asked for a sign for which person, and it turned out to be you!" Peeta is totally messing with my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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