Endgame Pt.1 Waynes

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Uhhh.... What's going on? Why am I like 100ft off the ground? WAIT WHAT?!?!?!
My vision clears and I see that I'm 100ft off the ground!" Holy shoot!!!" I yell. My reflex to jerk back made the thing that was holding me slip and drops me!
That was the last thing I remember. But that was at night, now the sun is rising. How long did I blackout for? I fall into a strong set of arms with my hood landing in front of my face so I couldn't see who it is. I remove my hood to see that my mysterious savior was in fact.........
VANDAL SAVAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😱
I squirm out of his arms faster then a kid getting out of bed on Christmas! I back up... A lot. In fact I back up right into a zombie hawk person!
I jump at the site and land on my but.
(Stupid cape.)
That gets a chuckle out of Savage.
"What do you want with me?" I ask.
He looks at me real serious.
"It's not you I want." He starts." I want the savage you." That sent chills down my spine. He took a step closer and I took a step back. We repeated that proses until I was on the edge of the building we are on. I regain my balance before I could fall.
You know in the movies this is when the hero guy comes in a helicopter or something with an explosion in the background.
Oh Jason where are you.

With Jason
My motorcycle zooms past all the traffic. I swerve between cars, hoping to reach Sky before something goes wrong. I lost the others a long time ago. Then I realized that there was a helicopter following me." Jason!" I hear  Roy over the COMs in my helmet.
"What?!" I yell shooting a chain that held up the back of the of a truck that was holding three cars. The back came down making a ramp so I speed up and use the ramp to get onto a roof and I keep driving." What is it Roy?!" I yell again.
After a minute Roy COMed saying." Ok first, that was cool! I mean alittle unnecessary but cool. And second we have eyes on her."
I started seeing red again as I growled over the COMs," Where. Is. Savage?"
He told me Savage was on the roof with her and that he's getting closer.
My blood boils when I reach Wayne Tower. I use my grapple gun to reach the top. I tie one end to my bike and Secure it. The other end is shoot all the way to the top. I use this as a lift and I start moving up to the roof as I saw the others land.

Hang on Sky I'm coming.

With Sky
The savage me. What the hey is he talking about?! I can't keep backing up I need to stand my ground.
I take out my crossbow and aim it right at Savages head and he stops moving towards me." Now, now, you don't want to hurt yourself with that." He says to me.
"Stay away from me!" I yell at him.
"Jump!" He laughs. This guy is all kinds of crazy.
" I don't know what your deal is but I'm not doing anything you tell me!" I shout at him. His face becomes more serious and he stares me down again.

"You will if you don't want him..." Savage points to the door that leads into the building then out comes Falcone and a handful of his thugs with a small boy. The child is squirming in Falcones arms like crazy but he isn't crying." To die in your arms." Savage finishes.
"Unhand me you imbecile! When my father hears about this you'll be sorry you ever laid eyes on me!!!" The boy yells. He has some fire in him.
"Shut your mouth!" Falcone yells at him.
The boy responds with  *tt* then spits in one thugs face.
I examine the boy. He has no trace of fear in his face. Wait. His face.... That... That's Damian Wayne!!!!!
Oh SHOOT!!!!! I can not let the Wayne kid die on my watch!
"Now my little spitfire. Jump." Savage orders me.
Seeing no way out I of this I turn and face the edge and I look at the beautiful day in Gotham. I look down............. And there's my way out.😏.
I turn back to Savage and give him a *i know something you don't*smile. Then I hear an all too familiar voice yell," Do a backflip!!!!" Savage looks in the direction the voice came from and saw Arsenal in a helicopter smirking at him.
I do the backflip.
Time stops as I hear Savage yell "NO!"
I see the motorcycle coming up the side of the building.
And I feel the hand of someone who will never let me go.
Time speeds up and I am slung onto the back of the bike and I hang on to the broad torso with the familiar sent of leather as we reach the top again. In mid air, we jump off the bike and he lights a match then throws it into the gas tank then...
You guessed it.
It exploded!!!!!
And he landed in a super cool way!!!
Yes!! I saw that coming!!!! Arsenal now owes me 10 bucks!!!
We made a bet awhile ago if Jason would ever walk away from an explosion in a really cool way.
And I won.
Back to now!!!!
The explosion knocked out most of Falcones men but not all. Jason pulls out his twin pistols and shoots the rest of the thugs in the head. Then he points the gun at Falcone." I'm disappointed Falcone. I thought your men would put up more of a fight." He jokes." Now hand over the not so innocent kid before he bites you." He warns Falcone.

Does Jason know the Wayne's?

Falcone throws Damian at me then makes a run towards the door he came in.
An explosive arrow appears and knocks Falcone back. Falcone then looks up to see Arsenal smiling with another arrow ready to fire at him. Two bangs can be heard followed by a loud scream then the site of Falcone falling to the ground with his knees bleeding out is seen. I look at Jason and see his guns smoking.
"Be happy I'm in a good mood." Jason tells him as he puts the guns away.
The next thing I new I am in his arms.
He is shaking and is holding me tight.
"J... Jason..." I whisper.
A moment of silence passes before he answers.
"Don't ever scare me like that again." He says into my shoulder. I take this moment to hug him before Damian interrupts our moment.
"Well that was an unnecessary but effective way to fix this problem Todd." He scolds Jay." I slightly dislike you less now." He says with a smirk.
"Same to you, you little demon." Jason replies with.
The helicopter landed and only then did I realize that it was my fathers chopper. Roy steps out, then Rich, then what I think is the commissioners daughter, then him... My dad.
He walks up to me and I remove my hood and mask.
"So. Your a superhero now?" He asks.
"Yep" I answer.
"That's great!" He exclaims awkwardly.
"Yeah, yeah it is." I agree.
"Look sweetie I've done some bad things in the past. I never had a backbone. But you. You would take a beating for what you believe in. Never... Never stop taking the beating for the right thing." He smiles at me then turns to the others." These people." He looks at Jason." That young man. Will gladly take the beating with you or for you. They will be a much better family then I could ever give you."
I started to cry a bit." Stay close to your family." He then gives me a hug then he kisses me on the forehead. When he pulls back he takes out my ruby necklace. I had taken it off so it wouldn't get ruined in the first fight with Savage. He wraps it around my neck.
"Now. I must go right my wrongs. But do me a favor and don't be a shadow in this family. A Spoiler is good every once and a while but it's good to have a surprise." He looked from one bat member to the next." Make your own name. Don't stay in the Spoilers Shadow." With that he left us there.
I couldn't believe it. We didn't fight. We didn't leave on a bad note. We left in peace. Yet I couldn't shake the feeling that something was coming.
Never the less Savage got away with his.... Crows? Yes Crows.
Oracle is searching for him wth no luck.
"You know I can work a lot faster if I was using the Batcomputer." She stated. Then Jason got mad.
"Oh no! No! No! No! No! We are not going to HIM!!!! We can do it are selves!!" He shouted.
Me, Roy and Rich all sat there as they argued.
"Who's HIM?" I ask.
"There dad." Roy says plainly.
"Who's there dad?" I ask taking a sip of a drink.
"The Batman. " Rich states calmly. I spit out my drink then choked from a gag reflex.
"Ba... Batman?!" I said shocked.
"And there he is now." Rich gestured to a door that was just opened and in came Damian.
"The kid?" I questioned.
"What?" Rich asked and looked in the direction. "No not him. The man behind him." He corrected. I look again and there stood the owner of Wayne Enterprise himself. There is no way he could be Batman! Could he? Jason and Barbra stopped arguing.
Already made he stormed over to me and plopped next to me on the couch crossing his arms like a 5 year old.

(They are inside of Wayne tower)
We are all silent. Until the man says." Which of you heroes saved my son?"
Immediately Roy and Rich both point at me! The man looks at me with icy blue eyes.
I am frozen with fear.

Batman and Robin are here!!!!!!Ok sorry it took so long I've been busy. Ok so this is a bit longer then my other chapters( I think). I've been working on the sequel that's right sequel to Spoilers Return!😱🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😱. Now that that is out of your system...
The book will follow Spoiler in her adventures with a new team. The book will be titled....................................................... Welcome to Young Justice!
Don't worry you still have two or three chapters before I officially end this book.
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The challenge in my last chapter you passed so now I have over 300 views!!!
Thanks to all you fine people give yourself a pat on the back!
So the new challenge is to get me past 330 views!!!
Good luck!😉👍

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