ReBoot Introduction

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I am currently working on a novel called Contact.  In this novel humans have their first encounter with extera terrestrial creatures.  The second half of Contact has some fairly heavy action scenes and i had never written any action before.  I wrote this story to get a feel for writing action before i had to commit to any action scenes in my novel.  This short story takes place in the same universe as Contact but much later chronologically than that book.  I avoided describing any of the aliens because i am still working on several species and have not decided what to set in stone.

The first four chapters of this short story start almost identically, with the exception of the first line.  Feel free to read the first line and then skip to the main part of the story which i have separated using dashes.   -----------------------

I would really like honest feed back concerning the action in this story as well as flow.  Thank you for your time and input.

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