Chapter one

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"Elliot hurry up" Steve yelled from out side the bathroom door. "OK chill let me get my shirt on" I yelled to Steve "better be out in five" steve yelled back "OK chill out I'll be there" their was no way in hell was I going to where that ugly band shirt to kings island because Denia said that kings island is the biggest hook up place in Ohio I thought coming out of the closet would be easier well I was wrong any where I walk theirs people talking about me behind my back and not to mention my homophobic parents they think that I'm just one big mistake that they had god how I hate my parents I can't wait to graduate so I can get the hell out of their after I got my shirt on I walked out of the stall and their he was the only person that is almost as homophobic as my dad Corbin he's a fuck boy walking around sagging hide pants hitting up every girl I hate him so much I start to walk past him but he pushes me forward and says "aw was the little faggot in the stall jerking off to some gay porn" " stay the hell away from me" I yelled hoping some one would here "don't you ever fucking yell at me again you little fag" he screamed at me then he pushed me to the ground and walked over to me pulled his fist back and punched me right in my mouth blood was all over the lower part of my mouth god I hated him he walked away and didn't say anything to me I just sat their crying trying to stop the blood from gushing out I knew that I he had cut my lip pretty bad sometimes I wish I wasn't gay just then I heard footsteps crap I thought is he coming to beat me up some more I started to cry harder I put my hands over my face so he couldn't hit it anymore then he did the foot steps where getting closer then some one put their hand around my and told me that every thing would be alright right then I knew it was Steve he would always help me with any situation he didn't care that I was gay or not he was a good friend I took my hands off of my face and Steve said "who did that to you who ever did I'll do ten times worse to them " i didn't want to tell him that it was one of his friends that did that so I told him that I didn't know the person he stood up and got a paper towl wet and handed it to me and said " keep this on it it should stop the bleeding " "thanks" I said he was like my night in shining armor but He's straight so I have no chance with him.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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