"Is it a surprise?" he asked.

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride," I told him turning on the radio. The drive was quiet and only filled with music, although Andy did rest his hand on my thigh as I drived. I didn't mind. Infact I placed mine on top of his hand. Giving him a squeeze. We finally pulled up the graveyard.

"What are we doing here?" Andy asked. I parked the car and turned it off.

"I want to see my dad, and I wanted you to come with me," I told him, and tossed him the keys. I opened up the car door and got out. I knew where they would have put dad, since this is where we buried my grandfather. My dad's dad. They had a huge fallout when grandpa found out that mom left. Then he passed away from cancer, dad was torn about it. He always wanted to be next to his own father. And here he was.

"Why did you want to see your dad?" Andy asked, standing next to me, looking down at the tombstone with me.

"He was shit, he didn't know how to raise me. But he had his moments. He had some of the best dad moments ever. Those moments he loved, and cared for me. Those moments I was his world. Those moments meant the world to me. Those moment showed me, that there was a little bit of love in my life. Something I didn't even know about. Dad showed me those tiny moments, just like any other father should." I explained, I could feel the tears again, "I wish we could have started over again... I wish we could have fixed it." I said tears finally falling, "I wish I could have my dad back." I didn't bother wiping away the tears.

"I know, angel... I know," Andy said pulling me into his side.

"I brought you here... Because well... If dad met you more, he would have liked you. He would want me to be with you." I said. Andy smiled.

"Good," he said giving me a kiss. I then looked down at my dad's tombstone.

"I love you dad. And I'm sorry I never got the chance to say that to you," I said. Now my eyes were blurred with tears, and my heart was beating fast. Just say it Sway... Just fucking say it. You know it's fucking true. You can't run from it, you can't hide from it. It's here, and I have to admit it. Before I lose him. Before I never get my chance. I then turn and look up at Andy, who looks down at me. I grab his hands, and squeeze tightly, "I-I..." I paused, don't stutter, just say it... I took in deep breath and squeezed his hands tighter he squeezed tighter back. Either in fear he is about to lose me... Or if he knows what I'm about to say is very hard for me to say it, I took one last breath, "I love you." I finally said it. I said it. And now I smiled, "I love you Andy." And I meant it.

-Andy's POV-

She said it. Oh my god, my angel said it! I quickly picked her up and spun her around, "I love you! I love you! I love you my sweet, beautiful angel! I love you so fucking much! You don't know how long I've been waiting too say that to you!" I said spinning her around and then placing her back down onto her feet giving her a kiss, "Say it again," I demanded.

"I love you baby," she said kissing my cheek, "I love you! Andy I love you!" I pulled her close into my arms.

"Again my angel. Again." I said.

"I love you." she whisperd.

"One more time, angel," I whispered back.

"I love you." she said again, I grinned.

"And I love you. And I promise to love you forever." I said, holding her.

"I swear it too. Because I love you." she said.

"Can I take you home now, and not fuck you? But make love to you?" I asked her. She giggled.

"But I like when you fuck me!" she whined, I smirked.

"How about we love fuck?" I asked her.

"Now, that sounds like fun!" she grinned. I have my angel back, I have her back. "But first I want some taco bell!" she said. I laughed, and grabbed her hand.

"Taco bell it is!" I said.

-Sway's POV-

As we were making our way back to the car I glanced back to look at dad, leaving behind a past that I don't need in my future. Because I have Andy. And that's all I need. I have him, I have Taylor, Kells, Juliet and the rest of the guys. The past is just something to dwell on. Something I don't need. So looking back at dad, I whispered, "I'll see you on your birthday." and with that, Andy and I went back to his car, and headed out for taco bell.

"I love you, so much angel. Life hasn't been the best for you, but I promise to make it better for you. By getting you healthy again. Helping you stand again. I will always be by your side. And if you ever want kids, we can also adopt... Or we can try again, I promise I'll be here. Because I love you." Andy said, I grabbed his hand in mine.

"I love you Andy. So much," I said squeezing his hand. He is all I need, he is my drug, and he is the best drug I ever had.

I would just like to thank all of you, for the love you have shown to me. I've had such an amazing time writing this story for you all. Seeing your comments made me smile, and gave me the drive to write more. I would like to give a shout to Jenn BlackStainedRoses who inspired me to write an Andy story. Her writing/books were always the best. I hope you all enjoyed this story, and I know it sucks that it is at its end.... But with that being said! Head on over to 'Coming Undone' and you'll be getting an update very soon! We will be taking a turn with that story! Can't wait for you guys to read it. And just so you know, you can always re-read this story if you need too! :) I truly mean it, thank you for all of your kindness. It means a lot to me.
(I hope this final chapter wasn't too cheesy for you. :D) Again thank you! Xoxox.

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