I Have A Question (Hybrid) - Complete Filth. S-M-U-T!

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Prompt from this comment on my Wattpad by @laureniscool2:

@MmKayItsNarry DO A HYBRID KITTY NIALL! Like all innocent and fucking adorns and OOMF they sex it up

WARNING: this should not be allowed on the internet, it is complete filth and i have no excuse, read at your own risk.

:| #ashamedofmyself

Harry POV

“Thanks Lou! Can’t wait to get home!” I call to my boss, waving and leaving the music store.

I hear him call "good luck" and other replies behind me but I’m already racing down the street, not caring about the pouring rain because I get to see my baby Nialler.

I race up the steps of my flat, dripping wet and burst through the door.

“Kitty?” I call, toeing my shoes off and throwing my coat on the coat rack.

“HARRY!” I hear my beautiful boyfriend call and sprint around the corner into my arms.

“I missed you so much.” Niall shouts, wrapping his legs around me and I lose my balance, falling to the floor.

“Oh Niall.” I sigh, kissing every inch of his face.

“Oh God Harry, thank fuck you’re home. He’s been on heat for days now, I can’t bloody cope.” Zayn says coming around the corner.

“How was he?” I ask Zayn, holding Niall against me even more as he kisses my neck, his soft kitten ears tickling my cheeks.

“Good, apart from the fact that he hasn’t bloody shut up about you all week, and then Wednesday he came on heat and has been eye fucking your picture for days.” Zayn sighs, sitting on the arm of the sofa and watching as Niall’s tail wraps around my waist protectively.

“I’ve missed you so much baby.” I whisper in Niall’s ear, kissing below his ear and his jaw line slowly and seductively.

What can I say? I’ve been away for a week from the most precious thing in my life and now he’s here, on heat. And I know for a fact that the thing pressing against my stomach is not a tube of Smarties.

“Urgh, I’m leaving.” Zayn sighs, grabbing his jacket and pulling me and Niall out the way of the door so he can go.

“Bye Zee, thank you so much for watching him!” I call after him, standing up and pulling Niall up too.

“I have missed you so much.” I tell Niall, grabbing his face and pulling his lips to mine.

“Harry, it hurts.” Niall says as we break apart, grabbing my hand and shoving it down the front of his sweatpants until he lets out a sigh when my fingertips graze his hot member.

“I know baby, shall we go to the bedroom?” I ask, genuinely concerned because Zayn says he’s been like this for days.

Niall nods enthusiastically and wraps his tail around my wrist, pulling me down the hall to the bedroom.

When I walk in, my jaw drops, the sheets are all crumpled and covered in what is, very obviously, Niall’s cum.

“Kitty, what did you do!?” I ask, shocked.

“’m sorry Hazzy, did not let Zayn in because it is very messy and you said not to tell people when you do stuff. I had to do it because Harry was not here but I was thinking of Harry the whole time. Your bootiful eyes and curly hair and sexy bum and nice tummy..” Niall trails of, ashamed.

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