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*Shepard Pov*

"John, be honest... do you prefer biotics, or muscle"

"I thought we settled this during the party in my apartment, Biotics."

"Yes, but I get the feeling it was because I was there." Liara was insistent.

"Can Muscles lift a person in the air and throw them half a mile away? No." Shepard had given his answer.

The reason Liara was there is because she was helping plan the attack on the illusive man's base. "Shepard..." Liara asked "... what if you find something there you won't like?" shepard looked confused. "Like what?"

"I don't know... maybe find out that the illusive man planted a failsafe."

"Maranda already told me that she wanted to do that, the illusive man stopped her. I doubt he planted one i n my head." Liara still had a look of concern. Shepard got out of his desk and walked to her. "Liara, listen." the Asari looked at him."

"If we find something, or more than one something, nothing will change." Liara then smiled and went in for a kiss.

"Commander?" Trainers voice was heard before Liara could kiss her. "Go ahead trainer." Shepard said. "Admiral Hackett would like to speak to you in the war room. He says it's important."

Liara looked depressed now. "We can continue this later, Liara... I promise."

"... we'd better."

Shepard went into the war room to speak to admiral Hackett. He pushed the button to contact him. "Admiral, you wanted to speak to me?" Shepard asked.

"Shepard, I need you to look investigate some missing scouts, They went off the grid fairly recently. They were returning from the illusive man's base to help with the attack, but they... disappeared."

"Do you think the illusive man caught them."

"Unlikely, I'm sending you there last known coordinates. If there dead, the data was recorded in the ship's computer. Hackett out."

"Joker, I'm sending you coordinates, get us there immediately."

The Normandy arrived at a planet that much resembled earth. "Joker, are you picking up any lifeforms?" Shepard asked.

"... to many to count commander, the entire planet is populated. I recommend sending everyone."

Shepard nodded, and headed for the hanger. There he met all of his teammates. James, Tali, Javik, Liara, Kaiden, Garrus, and EDI. they all boarded the shuttle with cortez, and headed for the ship's distress beacon.

"Inquisitor pov"

It didn't make any sense at all. Random humans with strange armor and weapons and they claim it wasn't made with magic. They didn't even know what I was, the didn't know me as a Dalish elf... only Mrs. "Still nothing from the prisoners, Cullen?" I ask

"Nothing, Inquisitor. They seem to be resisting every torture tactic we throw at them... even magic"

"Should I send one of my agents?" Leliana asked. "They are good with getting information.

"Why do you all insist torture?" Josephine asked in rage. "We should be treating them as guests, not as if they were working with Corypheus."

"For all we know, they COULD be working with Corypheus." Cullen insisted. Suddenly, the love of my life walked in.

"Apologies inquisitor, but I have news." I couldn't help but let him in. "go ahead, Solus." I say.

"Thank you. Before we returned with the humans from The Hinterlands, I noticed some rather large eggs nested near the docs. I fear the may have bean dragon eggs."

"And you didn't mention this before!?" Cullen asked in rage.

"Due to the damage done to them from there... whatever it was, I couldn't be certain. So I took part of the shells, and my fear was correct."

I then knew what Solus was saying. "When the dragon returns, it will destroy Redcliff... we have to go back, get everyone."

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