Chapter Three

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-8 Years Later-

I remember that day, when I first landed on the Yautja planet like it was yesterday.


*They're talking in the Yautja Language*

"Skyler!" "Yes Gold" "we're about to land be prepared and remember everything I taught you! Oh and not a word of English understood?!" Skyler bowed to the humanoid in front of her and said "Yes Gold!" Gold chuckled a bit and said "you've done well with learning how to speak my language. You also listen well, you're a fast learner and I like that. Don't disappoint me." Skyler looked up at Gold but then looked down remembering what she said about not looking at other Yautja in the eyes fearing that she would get punished again "yes Gold! I won't disappoint you!" As the ship landed Skyler began to feel nervous. "Skyler don't worry. Just do everything I taught you and you'll be fine." Skyler nodded her head and proceeded to move to the entrance of the ship with her new clothes that Gold gave her. The clothes had netting that went around her whole body, there was also a big cloth that covered her private parts, kind of like how the Romans had it. Skyler waited until the ships door opened. After a few minutes of just standing around, the door finally opened. At first Skyler couldn't see anything, due to being behind Gold and the fact that there was a bright light as the ships door opened, but once Skylers eyes adjusted she noticed that the sky's were pinkish redish, Gold was telling the truth about the three Suns. Skyler also noticed the thousands of Yautja that stood below the platform ranging from all sorts of sizes. Then she noticed the five Yautja that stood on the platform, she figured that those were the elders considering that they had red capes and looked older then most of the Yautja. She also noticed that the fifth Elder was standing a couple of feet ahead of the other four. Skyler figured that he might be a high rank. As Skyler walked down the ramp of the ship she remembered to keep her head down remembering Golds orders. As they approached the Elders, Skyler felt like every single Yautja was looking at her and she was right, but not once did she look up. Gold kneeled down the minute she got close to the Elders and so did Skyler. "Elder Tan'ku, Elder Lu'ri, Elder Ra'in, Elder Ki and Elder Sa'lio (he's the one in the front). Blooded Warrior: Golden Warrior I've came back with a completed mission that you have requested of me to do. I brought back three Xenomorph skulls and a Queen Xenomorph skull, including six Ooman skulls. Just like you requested." Gold finished placing a closed fist over her heart as she spoke. "Where are they War?" Elder Sa'lio asked with a deep voice calling Gold by her nickname, before she could answer, some of the low ranking Yautja's came out of her ship with said skulls proving her mission as a success and displaying them to the crowd of Yautja's and the Elders. "Hmm so it seems your telling the truth as always, welcome back. Now why did you bring a Ooman child back to our home planet?" Elder Sa'ilo said. "Elder Sa'ilo this child lost her family because of what she is and who she is. She wants to become stronger to honour her family's death, so I decided to take her back here. We're the only race who can actually teach her how to become honourable and stronger. So I'm asking you to let this child become a Young Blood, then make her way to Blooded Warrior. I'll be responsible for her so please let her stay." Elder Sa'ilo was staring at War with so much intensity that Skyler thought she could sense fear radiating off War. "You know the rules. Oomans will be killed if they step foot on this land or brought back to where they came from." "I'm not a Ooman!" Skyler exclaimed instantly regretting speaking up. She looked around to see all eyes on her even War who turned around to glare at her. "What did you say Ooman?" Elder Sa'ilo asked. Skyler looked up at his eyes hesitantly "I-I s-said that I'm not O-Ooman..." Skyler said looking down remembering what War said "Then what are you?" Skyler looked up again at his beady green eyes and said "I-I'm a W-Witch" the Elder looked at Skyler for a long time, then turned to look at War "Is this true? Is this little girl a witch and not a Ooman?" War looked up and said "Yes Elder Sa'ilo" Sa'ilo then looked back at Skyler and said "Prove it" the little girl looked at the Elder Yautja in front of her for a second or two, then proceeded to put both her hands on the platform. All the Yautja's watched in amazement as the girl started growing grass and flowers all over the platform. As she was doing this she decided to open her eyes to reveal a very vibrant green. She was about to do a tree when a deep voice stopped her. "That's enough. Now take it away" Skyker did what she was told as she took away all the grass as she put her magic away. Her eyes going back to normal. "You've proven yourself useful and not an Ooman. You may stay and become a Blooded Warrior due to the fact that your powers could be useful. However you will be punished by looking at an Elder in the eye and speaking when no one was speaking to you. If you do it again you'll either be punished or killed. When you pass your Blooded Warrior test you will be considered a Yautja and you will be expected to mate with one of our male Yautja's. Also if you kill any of our kind we will kill you. Understood?" Skyler shifted her eyes back to the ground and said "Yes Elder Sa'ilo" putting her right fist over her heart copying what War did before. "Very well. Golden Warrior!" "Yes Edler Sa'ilo?!" "You will be in charge of her. You will make sure she becomes a Blooded Warrior and punish her when she breaks the rules. Do it now." "Yes Elder Sa'ilo!" With out hesitation War stood up spun around swiping Skylers feet from under her making her slam her back on the platform which knocked almost all the air out of her, War wasn't done yet however, she then proceeded to stomp on Skylers Ribcage, not enough to kill the pour girl but enough to break a couple ribs. Skyler may have almost lost her breathe on the swipe fall but she definitely lost all her breathe with the rib stomping, with a horrible scream Skyker laid there on her back withering in pain. Skyler new what was coming because she felt it before a couple times on the ship, but she didn't expect it to hurt as bad or she didn't expect War to stomp on her ribcage, but she didn't blame War she was just listening to orders. "Good. You'll start your training tomorrow as a Young Blood." And with that the Elders got off the platform along with all the other Yautja. Skyler was still on her back cradling her ribs. "Get up Sky. Heal yourself. You must begin training tomorrow." War said as she turned around and proceeded to leave the platform as well. Skyler was still on her back half healing herself and the other half catching her breathe, when she heard a soft but scratchy voice say "huh so a witch. That's cool. Did that hurt you Witchy?" Skyler looked down on the lower part of the platform to see a almost 5 foot young Yautja male staring at her. He had yellow skin with already developing muscles, with a horrifying scar that looked like a skull running across his chest giving him a scary look, he also looked like all the other Yautja but only Skyler probably thought that because she wasn't used to their crab like features yet "yea it hurts a lot but I'm fine now and don't call me Witchy the names Skyler...Yellowy" Skyler said with a pretend mad face. The young Yautja laughed at her and said "naah I like Witchy better but don't call me Yellowy the names Sk-" The younger Yautja was cut off by Wars booming voice "SKYLER! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! YOU HAVE TRAINING FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!" Skyler and the young Yautja shook with fear "Yes Golden Warrior!" Skyler said "I got to go...hopefully we'll see each other at training right?" Skyler said to the younger Yautja "Yep I'll see you there!" Said the young Yautja "Ok bye!" Said Sky running off but then she turned around saying "Oh wait I still don't know your name" the young Yautja looked at Sky and with a alien smile he said "My name is Skull" Skyler stared at him for a bit and then said "Skull? I like it well bye see you tomorrow!" Skyler said running off "Bye Skyler!" Said Skull

-Flashback End-

And thats how I met Skull.

Ok so that's the end of Chapter three! Sorry for not updating! I just get writers block a lot so please bear with me ^^ anyways I would like to give two shout outs to two usernames who voted for my book it means a lot
Redstar911 and NightTheBlackWolf. Thank you for those who read my story! Chapter four is coming! Sorry for the grammar mistakes once again. Alright ladies and gentlemen bye!
The photo up top is the Elders pretend that there's five of them
P. P. S
So I kind of made some mistakes in my previous chapters. If you see Warrior Blooded, it's supposed to be Blooded Warrior.


Yautja Love Story (Skyler X Skull) Where stories live. Discover now