That was another beneficial part.. Touching. It made you happy, calm, and it made toby feel loved. It wasn't sexual or anything.. Just a simple brush on his cheek with your finger tips, or tightly clinging to his jacket while you  watched TV or simply rubbing each others arms or back absentmindedly or in your sleep. Toby liked to touch as well, sometimes with out knowing it. He pulled on your hair absentmindedly, or played with your sleeves on your sweater. You both didn't mind... Toby only got semi-irritated if he had a bad day or his boss was giving him shit at work. You sympathized with toby.. His co-workers were mean and it seemed like his boss wasn't any nicer. You weren't sure really where he worked.. But you assumed some where outside cause he always came home dirty.. Toby didn't seem to mind that part cause he was always dirty. He smelled like death and sweat.. His hair was always greasy and you haven't seen him take a shower in a couple of weeks... It was disgusting.. And the part you hated about toby.. But you looked over it. You looked over everything you didn't like about this place, the smell, the forest, the dirt, loneliness and the cold. To you, if you didn't think about the bad stuff it wasn't there.

        Toby was eccentric. He was silly, carefree and sarcastic, but his mood would change instantly. He would be happy one moment.. Then angry the next.. Not taking it out on you but taking it out on the house, breaking funture and items as he smashed them to pieces. This only really happened after came home from work or after his talking to his co workers.

        The first time you witnessed it, it scared the living hell out of you.

" slenders not going to be happy with you toby.." the tim guy said rolling his eyes. He scared the living hell out of you too when you first met him, and yes you screamed like you did when toby first took off his mask. Not as loud as you did when toby first took off his mask. Tim had his mask pushed up it covering  his hair and pushing it back. Toby shrugged his shoulders. "i dont think shes too pleased either." He pointed over at you

        This was maybe... The second week you had been there and masky was right. You weren't pleased, in fact, you were pretty fucking terrified at every moment of the 14 days that had slowly crawled by so no, the idea of appeasement or being pleased was thrown off the table and stomped on. Now its different, you were now considerably happy. You didn't get anxiety attacks as often.. And you only cried two or three times this month, so all and all, it got a lot better. But back then, this was simply not the case.

" s-slender-r d-doesnt care." Toby said brushing off tims comments that obviously upset him.

" he does when he cleans up your fuck ups.." Tim was serious and strict. "well its not a child this time.. Wait.. You're not becoming like jeff are you..?"

" don't be s-stupid." Toby mumbled getting more upset.

" well you do hang out with him."

" and you hang out with s-slender, does-s that mean your a h-h-hentai mons-ster too..?"

" funny.." Tim got noticeably angry. " if its not a fuck and dump, then what are you gonna do when you get bored?"

        Toby shrugged his shoulders and sighed annoyed.

" w-what do you take me for t-t-tim.. Buddy ol pal..? " it was a question, but it didnt sound like one, It was more of a statement.. Like it was suppose to mean something.

" an idiot.. " tim was a smart ass too. "whatever, you'll just have to do it yourself, like i said, slender will refuse and hoody wont care enough.

"alright t-tim note t-t-taken.." Toby looked noticeably more angry.

" you better have the balls to do it this time im tired of doing it for you, and another thing-"

" alright bye t-t-tim!" Toby yelled suddenly and it made you jump a bit.

Lonely ( Ticci toby  x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora