Where are they

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Disclaimer: I am not the best person on planet earth so I don't own any of these characters the wonderful J.K Rowling does.


"Bye mommy and Daddy!"shouted Lily as she clung to her father's leg.

"You have to let go now honey we will be back soon, be sure to listen to Teddy, he's in charge" replied Harry.

"That goes for you too James, I don't want to hear about you and Fred blowing up a toilet seat when we get home". Ginny added.

"Okay mum, bye!" James replied running back down the hallway to where all of his cousins along with Teddy where hanging out in the living room .

Harry kissed Lily's head as she released his leg, then he grabbed Ginny's hand and they disappeared with a pop.
Lily's POV
Back in the living room...

I walked into the living room, looking around she saw Hugo and Rose playing a competitive game of wizard chess, Teddy and Victorie cuddling by the fire place, Albus reading to Louis and Lucy, and Dominique having a conversation with Roxanne about the upcoming Quiditch World Cup.
Suddenly I noticed that James and Fred were missing. Last time they disappeared they had almost burned the house down! I decided that I better go and tell Teddy.

"What's up Lilypad?" Teddy questioned as I walked up to him. I smiled at his nickname for me and told him that James and Fred were missing.

"While I guess we will just have to wait and see if the come back," Teddy sighed.

"Okay," I replied. Then I walked over to Dominique and Roxanne and joined in on their conversation.

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