Welcome to the Team

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Nothing ever happens the way you want it. Flaws are all part of human nature. They define us for who we are. Without them, we'd all be walking blank slates. Though, for some people, their flaws are like their kryptonite, and they'll do their best to hide them.
"Wake up! You're going to be late for your first day of work!" A digital squeak hovers above her head.

"Ugh..." The groggy symphony of groans drone from her mouth.

She raises one leg at a time from beneath the holographed silk, Pepto-Bismol pink sheets that she'd had since she was twelve. Her foot slips and she falls from her bed onto the projected dark wood floors, rump making a thud. The girl mutters unearthly words and slugs up onto her feet, wiping the crust from her eyes and releasing a big yawn as if she were a lion sounding a mighty roar.

"What'll you wear today, Chiharu?" The hovering, squeaky voice asks, ready to serve.
"Hmm... Business Outfit One," Chiharu replies.

In an instant, she changes her clothes with just the flick of her wrist and the touch of a button. Her ratty jim-jams transformed into a slick, black business jacket and pencil skirt with pantyhose and black pumps. A crisp, white-collared button-up peeked out at the top.

She styled her sapphire blue hair into a messy ponytail, not what one would expect from someone in fancy business attire such as hers. Today she had to make a good impression. After all, this is where she will be placed for the rest of her life. She picks up an almost burnt piece of toast on her way out the door. The sky was clouding up.

'It's going to rain today,' Chiharu thinks.

She scurries to the tall, black building which loomed before her. As of today, she was going to be a Police Investigator. The SYBIL System had placed her here, so there must be something that she's meant to do. She knew full well that this will be a much different environment than she had known, especially in the past couple of years.

She walks up to the front door and flashes an ID.

"Please state your name:" the automated voice asks.

"Chiharu Fujimoto. Investigator," she responds.

The machine takes a scan of her iris and allows her to proceed into the building. There, she was greeted by a secretary who showed her where she needed to go. She takes a lift to another floor and treads down a hallway. Sliding doors open for her, as if they had a mind of their own. Several workers were seated inside, and she arbitrarily began to ponder if she should have tried to make her messy hair look more professional.

"Greetings. I'm Chiharu Fujimoto... I'm going to be working with you," she says, her voice breaking from being unused.

She swallows and clears her throat.
One of the workers, raises up and adjusts a pair of specs that had slid down his nose. He was rather tall, and by the way he stood, it was easy to see that he held some sort of authority. Or at least he tried.

"Welcome, Inspector Fujimoto. I am Inspector Ginoza. You've managed to join us in a rather difficult time. Enforcer Kogami will give you the details. The case is relatively fresh, so we have yet to gather much intel, but as your first, pay close attention."

"Yes, sir," she bows her head.

One of the workers glance at her, giving a casual nod, indicating the one that was Enforcer Kogami. He types in a few things into a keyboard, then pulls up a few tabs.

"Welcome to the team, Investigator Fujimoto," he says.

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