The start

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Hello! My name is Anna(Joanna) Van Heusen. 17 years old, has long black hair and brown eyes.

"Anna! Hurry up! You don't wanna be late for your auditions right?" Mom called out from the kitchen.

"Anna, the car is ready!"-dad

This is Drew Lancaster. Sara Lancaster (Mom) is an actress and dad is a director. Yes, i got adopted. But they let me keep my last name. They were best friends of my parents. They also couldn't have a child of their own because of some reason.

"I'm finished!" I yelled

I went to the kitchen and kissed her goodbye.

"Goodluck dear"

"Thanks mom"

I took my bag and went to the car. Dad turned to me with a smile.

"You'll do great dear. I just know it."

"Thanks dad" i smiled

He then dropped me to the Agreste Fashion Building.

"Bye dad!"

"Text me when you're done,okay?"

"Yes dad" when he drove away, i looked at the building

I let out a deep sigh and smiled to myself. I'll definitely pass the auditions.

I was just about to start to walk to the building,when i saw an old man about to get hit by a car.

"Look out!"

I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him to the side.

When i saw that he was safe, i let out a sigh. I then felt like something was about to fall on me, so i moved out of the way.

"Wow, you've got good reflexes." The old man said

"Actually,i think i have bad luck. Haha. Are you okay sir?"

"Yes i am. Thank you. And you don't have bad luck. You have neutral luck."

"Neutral luck?"

"Yes. If you just have bad luck,then you should have been hit by that trash can"

Now that he mentioned it...

I then looked at my watch. "Uh-oh! Sorry sir,i have to go! Be careful on the way!!"

I ran into the building and composed myself in the restroom. Then i entered the waiting room.

I saw 4 girls getting told off by a girl with blonde hair and a girl with glasses.

"Look Sabrina, these girls are going to audition as models! How laughable right??"

"Yes Chloe!"

Wow. A mean girl and a nerd slave- friend?

"You girls are not fit to model. If i were you, i would leave now."

"Well lucky for us that we're not you" i shot back

The girls looked at me. I got in front of the 4 scared girls.

"And who, are you?"

"I'm just a nobody who will kick your arrogant ass"

"Ugh. Seriously? A girl who actually has a decent face defends useless girls?"

"Better than being a b*tch like you" i shot back

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