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So I know all of us have been off of this account lately, but we've been focusing more on our summer and I'm sorry for that. I'll be posting some chapters until I feel sleepy if you want X3.

But this account will still be a kind-of discontinued account because all of us will be going to school again. I'll be going to 7th grade, two years until high school. 😳😰😱

A reason why I'll personally stop posting for a bit is because of my grades. I passed with a few A's, a few B's and a C. I really wanna raise my grade so I can get into better classes, so I won't be on Wattpad as much anymore (to post and such), but I'll be replying to comments, reading, and the usual :3

This isn't our goodbye. It's our see you later 🙂.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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