"What's wrong?" I take the remaining steps and sit behind her on the bed, both of my legs are on either side of her hips and my back is biting into the headboard. I scoot forward alittle so I can curl myself around her, my arms go around her and I stick my forehead on her left shoulder blade. It pulled that back of my neck abit but i ignore it.

"Sang baby talk to me." I whisper against her. Her shoulders were still shaking but now it's like there's an earthquake going down her spine.

"I didn't think you were coming." She chokes out. My eyebrows furrow.

"What else? Did your parents hurt you?" Ive been late before, granted not an hour and a half late but still, and she's never acted like this.

"Katlyn told me that Jade wanted to date you. She told me that Jade always got what she wanted." My chest feels like it's burning at this point.

"Do you not trust me? I don't want her baby I only want you." Ive never been good at words. I'm good at yelling, I'm good at punching things. I may be good at fixing things but if this is one of those relationship things that need fixing, I don't know what to do.

" I trust you North." She whispers and pulls away from me. I let her and look up at her when she gets on her knees and turns around towards me. My hands immediately go to her waist and pull her towards me so her hips are touching my chest and I'm looking up at her.

"I trust you North I don't trust her." She puts her hands on my head. I shake my head and sigh.

I really feeling like yelling right now.

"Baby I'm gonna take you home now ok?" We'll go to my trailer and I'll lay her down and tell her I love her.

I feel her nod and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Kota's POV

I watch North hop onto Sangs roof and want to grind my teeth. I honestly should not feel jealous of him when I don't even know her. I only know about her and we can't even find anything other than her school registration and birth certificate which was forged.

I shake my head and look at Chelsea sleeping in my bed. An hour ago I didn't care at all that she was here, it hurts my chest to realize I've turned into a small version of my dad. I slept with her only to get pleasure. Dont get me wrong, the 16 year old in me loves it, she's nice-ish to me in private and she is nice to Jessica, but I'm not in love with her. Its not like I ever planned on losing my virginity to someone I loved, it would have been nice but it wasn't necessary. But I thought id be able to be in a relationship where were both committed to each other. I'm completely faithful to her, but she's not to me.

Her ice blue eyes usually keep me up at night, the way that she just stares at me sometimes is disturbing and not that I'd ever admit to it, but it scares me sometimes. when I look over at her, her over dyed blond hair is spread out across my pillow. Her hair is the reason I'm up right now, she had turned around and the coarse strands of her hair had went up my nose. There's nothing wrong with dying your hair or anything because the color looks good on her, it's just the fact that she tries to change the way she looks that bothers me. If she really wanted to look like that it wouldn't bother me but it's the fact that some of her friends tell her she looks weird with her naturally light brown hair, and she listens to them and changes herself for them. Even after I tell her she's beautiful with her brown hair.

But were nothing alike, she doesn't want to go on dates, she doesn't want to play games, she and I are polar opposites.

Sang on the other hand, she has gorgeous green eyes, to my knowledge she's all natural and she's one of the sweetest girls I've ever met... the few times Ive actually talk to her.

"Kotas?" I flinch. I hate how she adds the s to my name. It's not a nickname it's just annoying. I turn around and look at Chelsea. Her naked shoulder is peeking out from underneath my comforter and I feel lust flood my body when I realize she's naked underneath my comforter. I tamp down on that immediately and when lust leaves, like always guilt follows.

I crawl into bed with her and lay down on my back and wait for her to curl up to me like she usually does. Instead of doing that she gets up on one elbow and stares down at me, brushing her skinny fingers through my hair. I take off my glasses and set them on my night stand.

"Kota baby, what's wrong?" I look over at her with blurry eyes that always seems to help with the guilt.

I give her a smile and pull her down for a short kiss, which she quickly turns hot and sexual. When she puts her leg over me to straddle I realize I'm gone.

In the back of my mind my brain thinks of Sang.

Its her grinding down on me right now. Sang kissing my neck. Sang making me sigh with pleasure.

I guess not everybody can have a Sang though.

Sangs POV

I don't even realize when we get to North's trailer until he's picking me up and taking me inside. I wrap my legs around his waist and tuck my face into his neck. He had explained that him and Luke were messing around and thats why he looked so disheveled.

When we get into his room and he lays me down on the dark grey comforter, I sigh.

"Baby I'm gonna talk and your gonna listen." North tells me. I nod and curl into his stomach when he lays down on his side next to me. He runs his finger through my hair and kisses the top of my head and starts to relax me.

"You said that Jade always got what she wanted. You said she wanted me. But what about what I want, what about what you want. I want you and I really fucking hope you want me." I nod and kiss his chest. I am already embarrassed that I broke down infront of him and I dont want to talk anymore and embarrass myself anymore.

"I dont deserve you North, your way to nice to me." I feel him chuckle.

"Baby what do you mean you dont deserve me? I dont fucking deserve to hold you hand, I dont deserve to even be able to look at you. Your so pure and sweet and I cant even hold a flower without accidently breaking the stem Sang baby." I hear him swallow and then he's rolling me over onto my back and running his fingers through my hair again, making sure to keep eye contact with me.

"You deserve love. You deserve to be looked at in awe. You deserve flowers on a Tuesday and a intimate diner on a Friday. You deserve long talks, and even longer hugs. You deserve to be called beautiful, because that what you are. You deserve someone who never stops trying to show you how much you mean to them, even after they have you. You deserve someone who isnt embarrassed to love you and tells all their friends about you and saves all the pictures of you even if they're bad. Who loses sleep to talk to you and tells you how beautiful you are over and over. And Sang I want to be that person. I want to be the man you call up when your hurt or if your nightmares scared you. I want to be the man you love Sang. Because im already in love with you." By the end of his speech im in tears and my hand is covering my mouth in shock.

After a few seconds, everything he said sunk in and my arms shoot up and wrap around his neck.

"I love you to." I sob.

"I love you so much."

I feel him sigh and then his lips are sinking onto mine. He kisses me sweetly and passionately but still with his rough edge of control.

"Thank fucking god." He growls, and then he's moving so he's laying on his side again and pulls me so our fronts our glued together.

"I love you Sang Sorenson. I love you so much." He whispers into my hair. He kisses me once more and rubs at my hip.

"I love you too North star." My whisper echoes around the room and adds to the intimacy clouding the air, and he hold me until I fall into a dreamless sleep.


Ok so this one was really long because I didnt know where to cut it off... Sorry if it was to much for one chapter.

I used alot of quotes that I saw on instagram that I thought would help work up to him saying he loves her.

Next chapter will be very steamy. And by steamy I mean rated R steamy so prepare yourself lol.

I dont know how this chapter is going to go over so comment and vote.

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