The Choice

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   As soon as Jake and Debra got up, Jake did something that shocked her. He kissed her gently on her forehead. It was soft, yet passionate. Although it was short, Debra understood what it meant. It meant that they were more than animal and man, they were friends. Best friends.
   While Jake groomed and cleaned Debra, she was thinking about what was going to happen to her today. Jake stroked and stroked until she was knot-free and dirt-free.
   "Come on! I am going to take you to a special room. And do not worry I will be with you the whole time," coaxed Jake. As Jake led her through the halls, she looked at all the interesting objects in the rooms. Once they came in front of a special door, Jake knocked on the door until an elderly man came out. His hair was white with specks of grey, his eyes were an icy blue, and he was as skinny as a stick.
"Well hello there, Miss..." greeted the professor.
"Debra," finished Jake.
"Miss Debra, you are here because you may be the last of your kind. So, in order to help keep you safe from the Poacher, we will be testing one of my newest inventions," instructed the professor.
"What does this machine exactly do, Professor Fredrick?" asked Jake in a worked tone.
"It turns animals into humans!" the professor whispered excitedly.
"What! Why would we need to use that?"
"Since Debra is the last okapi, unlike all the other animals, we could turn her into a human. So when the Poacher would be looking for her, he would not find her."
"How is she going to know how to act like a human or especially talk like a human?" Jake asked demandingly.
"Me? What do you mean?"
"You are the only one Debra trusts and really knows. You can teach her. Also the speech comes with transformation, but sadly does not undo itself if she turned back," Fredrick told him.
"Wait. Your saying when she turned back she would talk and not be her true self?"
"This would make her safer than what the others do?"
"I want to have an hour to think about it."
"Ok? I want to know your answer as soon as you can give me one."
Turning to leave with Debra, Fredrick grabbed Jake's wrist. He added one last statement," It is for Debra."
After leaving, Jake took Debra to a great door. It was cherry red and had golden trim around every detail in the door. He turned the golden knob and opened the door. It was like a dream. There were lush gardens, heavily fruited trees, and even a small waterfall. It was so beautiful. Not even thinking, Debra went over to nearest tree and filled her mouth with leaves.
"Debra! NO!" Jake warned. As soon as he gave the warning, Debra passed out and was waken up by water. She was surrounded by it. It was the waterfall she saw earlier. Its warm waters filled her with life. She was confused on why the leaves knocked her out.
"Those were medical leaves, Debra. They are used to knock out people or I guess animals."
"Why is this transformation machine operation getting to me?" Jake asked himself. Even though it was a rhetorical question, Debra looked into his eyes and nodded.
"I... I just don't want anything... bad to happen to you."
After a while, Jake took Debra by her rope and led her back into the room that Fredrick was in.
"Well, Jake, what is your conclusion?" asked the professor, hoping to get an agreement to his plan.
"I think Debra and I say yes."
"Wonderful, wonderful! We will start in a few minutes. Let me set up the machine!"
"Doctor," started Jake.
"What is it?"
"Can I stand next to her or at least next to the machine during the process? She needs me."
"Why of course. Just do not go into the machine, that could be bad!"
While the professor started the machine, Jake calmed Debra and stroked her face. He hugged her one last time and then gestured toward the machine.
"You promise this works?"
"If it does not work then the worst it could do is give a slight shock to her."
As soon as Debra was in the machine, Jake closed the door. He stood at the end to make sure nothing went wrong. Fredrick turned the switch and suddenly blue sparks flew inside the capsule. After a few seconds, the sparks stopped and everything calmed.

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