One - New beginnings

Start from the beginning

"Alright honey don't be out too late."

Alana took this as her que to go, emerging from the chaotic scene & making her way out of the suburban neighborhood & towards the more central part of town. The silence of her surroundings made escaping her thoughts rather difficult & thoughts of who she had back home swarmed her like a bunch of angry bees. Luke & Alana had been the 'it' couple if you know what I mean. Alana had met Luke when she had first moved to New York from Florida, they happened to be neighbors & it all went from there. A month or so later he asked her out & they'd been dating ever since. They'd agreed to keep a long distance relationship while she was in Canada & much to her hearts dismay, she didn't know if they were going to last. She'd always heard about how badly long distance relationships ended.

A chilly breeze ripped past & she quickened her pace spotting a coffee place a couple stores down. The sign outside the building read 'Tim Hortons.' She walked in, the bell above the door chiming as she stepped in. The coffee shop was cozy & filled to the brim with customers. She noticed many of them looked around her age. The warm air inside was mixed with the strong smell of cocoa, & she inhaled deeply, letting it fill her insides. She despised the bitter taste of coffee but the smell of it was a whole different story. She approached the counter & a guy that looked her age or maybe a year older looked up, noticing her. He looked slightly surprised by her.

"Well hello love, I don't believe I've seen you before. New around this part of town?"

Alana was slightly taken aback by his thick British accent & the fact that he was spot on.

She quickly composed herself before answering, having to look up because he was so tall. "Yes actually I just moved in today. How'd you know?" She questioned, slightly curious.

"Well Pickering is a small town & most of the families have been here for ages so everybody knows everyone. I'm a foreign exchange student here for my senior year so let's just say I can tell a fellow outsider from a mile away."

She let out a laugh at this. "Fair enough."

"Will you be attending Pine Ridge high by any chance doll?"

She raised her eyebrow at his new nickname but didn't make a comment. She crossed her arms, a slight twinkle in her eye now.

"It so happens I am. And ah let me guess," she put her finger to her lips, pretending to ponder for a second, "you were just about to volunteer to show me around when I start Monday?"

Bold move Alana. She didn't know this guy & he could be a physcopath for all she knew but she didn't know anybody here & from the looks of it, Pickering was a small town & she wasn't about to step into a new high school without some allies.

He cracked a grin, his pretty blue eyes crinkling at the edges.

"I suppose the jig is up, how'd you know?"

He shot her an award winning smirk, running a hand through his wavy brown hair & she decided she liked this guy, defiantly someone who would keep things interesting.

A cough behind them & a group of thirteen year old girls looked irritated at being kept waiting from going back to their no doubt eventful lives.

Alana turned back the the boy who looked amused at the scolding faces of the girls.

"Anyway what can I get you today?" He asked in an overly cheery voice that made a giggle escape her lips.

"Can I have a hot chocolate please?"

He nodded his head, typing in her order & yelled at the barista for one hot chocolate. Alana opened up her wallet fishing out a ten.

"So how much do I owe you?" she asked.

"Nothing it's on me love."

Alana couldn't help but swoon a little when he called her love again. I mean c'mon people the boy was british.

"No I couldn't possibly let you pay." She tried to give him the ten again but to no avail.

"Nonsense." He brushed her off with a wave of his hand, already putting a five into the register from his own pocket. She felt terribly guilty. She hated letting people pay for her but she could tell from the determination in the guys eyes that he wasn't about to let that happen. She finally gave up, putting the money back in her wallet as the boy handed her the hot chocolate & a piece of paper. She glanced at the paper & noticed a name & number scrawled in stereotypical boy handwriting.

It read:
That super awesome good looking brit, mason

She laughed at this, meeting his eyes.

"Text me about Monday, I can introduce you to my friends."

She nodded, taking a sip of her hot chocolate, let me tell you right now, pure heaven. She almost moaned at the chocolatey goodness. She turned towards the door, noticing the almost missing sun & deciding heading home would be good. She had a lot of unpacking to do. Alana was opening the door, the cold air wrapping her in a tight embrace when a thick accented voice cut above the talking of the other customers.

"Wait, love, I never got your name!"

She turned her head, her body still half out the door.

"Alana, Alana winters."


New storryyyyyyy because I'm getting bored of my other ones. Yes I realized I haven't even finished the others ones, sue me. Hope you enjoy loves !!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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