"And the git left me outside for 15 minutes in the rain!" Y/N rolled her E/C eyes teasingly as the Brit rambled on about his story, "That's something typical of Alfred." She muttered, quietly sipping her coffee.

Arthur scoffed himself at the thought of his brother, "I tell you Y/N, I swear he gets it from Francis." He took a gulp of his earl grey. "Anyway, enough ranting about my life," he shifted to look at her from his side, "how have you been love?"

She paused, not expecting her friend to suddenly ask about how she had been. She quickly settled her cup on the table, "G-Good. I mean, lately, it's been tiring. My parents have been worrying more about me than ever before." She softly chuckled at the fond memory.

"I-I'm also seeing Lukas and his brothers this weekend. They promised me I could stay over for a couple of days, since the last time I saw them was at Mathias' birthday. And that was back in June." She lightly tapped on the table with her fingernails.

Arthur nodded himself, "Well, tell Lukas I said Hello. And his brothers. God, I don't know how that man manages to live with all of them. Especially that Dane." Arthur said, making Y/N smile herself. "Yeah, the same here."

The two didn't say anything for a while, listening contently to the sounds of people talking in the background, the strong smell of ground coffee brought calmness to Y/N and in soothing her usual stressed out state.

"Y/N." She looked up surprised, meeting Arthur's worried green eyes, "I heard from someone that you had been stressed out. Over college, am I correct?" He asked. Y/N slowly nodded, fidgeting with her hands, "Who told you that?"

"I-I can't exactly say." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. She thought for a while, thinking of the many different people she was friends with. "It was Michelle{1}, wasn't it?" She asked. Arthur grew quiet, a trait that Y/N learnt that meant that he was correct.

"A-And I might've told the others." He mumbled. Y/N almost dropped her cup to the ground from hearing that news, "W-Who? Arthur tell me!" She quietly pleaded, gaining a few looks from other customers.

The Brit sighed in defeat, "Lukas and Tino." Y/N sighed shakily, running a hand through her H/C locks, "T-That's why they want me to come over! So then they can just baby me." She muttered angrily.

Arthur awkwardly patted her shoulder in a way of calming her down, "Love, they're worried about you. We all are." He said, "J-Just... see it as a way of relaxing for a couple of days." He said.

Y/N contemplated on the thought, "I'm 20 years old Artie, not 5." She said as Arthur shook his head, "I know that. But we need you to just take a break for once. Please Y/N. Just a day or two and we'll leave it be." He faced her properly, "You haven't been the same since starting college, we just want to know that you're okay." He replied humbly.

Y/N rubbed the side of her head, a small headache already beginning to grow, "Fine, I'll take a few days off." She replied to the Brit. Arthur smiled sincerely, something that was so rare of him, "Thank you Y/N. I appreciate it."

"I know Artie. I know." She said as the two paid and left the shop shortly after.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

By the time Y/N got back to her apartment, it was around early afternoon, meaning that she had enough time to finish work and then relax for the rest of the evening. She finally took off her dreadful shoes, her feet feeling sore and painful, taking off her winter coat and placing it on the hanger, she walked inside her small living room.

"Typical of Michelle, telling everyone my problems. Sure, it means they care about me, which is nice. But I really don't need that." She placed her handbag and presents on the dining room table, before walking over to the sofa.

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