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Josh woke up before Beth so he sat in the front of the truck checking social media. He decided to do something for Beth something nice since he didn't know how to reply last night. So he wrote a note saying he would be back soon and he walked to a McDonald's. He saw one on the way to the parking lot. He got them both some pancakes. When he got back Beth was just waking up. Josh crawled into the tent and sat next to her.

"morning sleepy head, I got you some breakfast," he smiled passing her the box of pancakes.

"Thanks," Beth yawned open the pancakes.

Josh opened his and the both started to eat. They ate in silence because Beth wasn't a morning person and Josh was. When they where finished Josh got out of the tent so Beth could get dressed, as Josh had gotten dressed in some public toilets nearby. Once she was dressed she folded the tent and got in the drivers set and Josh sat in the passenger.

"So, what do you want to do today," She looked over at Josh.

"I don't know," Josh shrugged.

"Okay," Beth mumbled.

"Well there is a theme park nearby," Josh shows her the place on Google maps.

When they arrive Josh runs in like a little kid. Beth was gonna pay for her own ticket but Josh payed for her. They went a couple rides before Josh saw a huge roller coaster with high drops and big loops. He points to it excitedly and begins to pull Beth towards it. When Beth sees where she is being dragged to she instantly feels sick. She hates roller coasters.

"Josh..." she whispers as they stand in line.

"hmm," he mumbles.

"I hate roller coasters," she says really quietly almost inaudible.

"It's okay, you're with me," he smiles.

He takes her hand giving it a squeeze to comfort her. She doesn't let go of his hand until the ride is over. Even then she still feels like she could burst into tears any minute.

"I hate you," she mumbles she was still traumatised even though the ride had finished five minutes ago.

"It wasn't that bad, you're still alive," he laughs.

"Whatever," Beth mumbles with a smile.

They went on a couple more rides and got a burger before going back to the truck.

When they get to the truck Beth plugs her phone in and post some music on 'Blasphemy' by 'Bring Me The Horizion' is the first to play. Beth hums as the begin the car ride to the next town over. Josh looked out of the window most of the journey before he complains his hungry. The go to Taco Bell drive through and eat in the parking lot.

When they are finished eating they drive to a desert like area.
They pop up the tent and take turns to get changed and then the settle down.

Josh falls asleep, but it isn't that easy for Beth. She decides to look at the stars. So she takes an unused blanket and lays on the front of the truck. She looks up at the stars humming a random tune.

"Couldn't sleep?" Josh joins her on the hood of the truck.

"Did I wake you?" Beth sits up a bit.

"Nah," Josh assures her.

"Okay good," she mumbles laying back down.

"They're beautiful aren't they?" Josh said referring to the stars.

"hmm," Beth mumbles.

Josh sits up and so did Beth. Josh moved closer to her.

"Almost as beautiful as you," Josh said leaning in towards her.

Beth was about to say something when he kissed her. A short kiss but it seemed affectionate. Josh then laid back down.

"um.. I'm gonna go try and get some sleep," Beth mumbled going back the tent.

She got back in the tent and curled up in her sleeping bag. He didn't seem to care by the kiss so Beth decided to ignore it.

Beth still couldn't sleep but she heard Josh coming in the tent so she pretend to sleep.

He crawled into his sleeping bag he laid down and got comfy.

"I think I like you, Beth," he mumbled before drifting to sleep.

She blushed and felt all warm and fuzzy inside she couldn't help but smile. That night she went to sleep happy, something she hasn't done for a loooong time.

Forest || j.dNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ