Chapter 1

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This chapter part is 3rd person limited to Grayson

Grayson walked in his home, tossing his keys onto his kitchen table. He then proceeded to flip face first into his couch. College had been difficult for him that day, and he really didn't want to deal with anyone's sh*t at the moment. He had his finals to deal with and he wasn't prepared. Also the fact that his computer had crashed the day before while trying to record the new episode with Drake and Armen. His computer was now stuck on his MineCraft account, on the set of the new episode. He couldn't move, he couldn't look around, he couldn't even exit out of the tab. The Skype call he was on was canceled, and Drake and Armen haven't replied to his
text messages. Everything was just stressing him out. YouTube, computer, school, chickens, family, ect ect ect.

"Maybe the chickens will help me relax..." Grayson mumbled, out of all the things that stressed him his chickens were the least stressful. The only stressful thing about the chickens was Theodore's broken wing, and he was holding up pretty well. Grayson just had to make sure to feed Theodore his medicated chicken feed every 6 hours. Grayson sat up and sluggishly walked to his backyard. He slipped his backpack off and set it by the door, the Texas heat not allowing him to wear it without burning up. He grabbed the chicken feed and Theodore's medicated feed from the roof, a perfect hiding spot from the chickens.

"Here chicky chicky!" He called out, looking around and not seeing any of the chickens around. After calling for the chickens a couple more times, he shook the food cans, letting the chickens know there was food. As soon as the sound was made the chickens came running out from under his recording studio. "Typical..." Grayson muttered, bending down and scattering some feed across the dirt. The chickens began packing at it as Grayson looked around for Theodore to give him his medicine. He spotted the chicken slowly walking out from under his recording studio, the chicken still self conscious from the cast on his wing. Grayson walked up and knelt down next to the chicken, pouring a small amount of the medicated feed into his hand. He held his hand out to the chicken as Theodore ate from Grayson's hand. "Good boy..." Grayson smiled, happy to know his chicken was healthy.

Grayson stood up and walked over to his backpack, picking it up and sitting down. He looked through it and pulled out his homework binder and a pen. He started to work on his homework, pausing to think about some of the math problems. He wanted to make sure his homework was perfect for if he didn't do too hot on his finals. It was his first year of college, after all, and he would hate to have to retake the class.

Theodore walked up and sat on Grayson's lap, which received a jump from Grayson. He then chuckled as he picked up the chicken, careful not to touch the cast, and pet him. Theodore was like family to him, all of his chickens were. He loved them so much, other than the fact that they were so damn loud whenever he decided to record. Grayson continued to work on his homework, readjusting Theodore in his arms.

Grayson finished his homework long after dark, but wasn't tired. He decided to try and fix his computer. He stood up and set the sleeping Theodore down, putting his possessions into his backpack. Grayson lazily tossed it onto the floor when he got into his recording studio. There were no lights on, but the room was illuminated by his, still crashed and frozen, computer screen.

"Alright... How am I gonna fix you...?" Grayson muttered as he looked around his computer for any unplugged cords. None were found. He sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. He stared at the screen, trying to figure out a plan.

Soon, he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. Someone was calling him. He pulled out the phone and looked at the caller ID. Drake.

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