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Ladybugs POV
What did I just do. I look down at my hands. Why did I just do that? I love Adrien, so why was I so jealous. Chat has said he loved me so many times and I've always rejected him. So why now, why would I feel this way now. I'm a monster. Panda Noir was just starting today. She didn't do anything. So why... why.
Chat POV
Why did Ladybug do that to Pandy? When I heard Pandy scream for help I thought that there was an akuma but...instead I saw ladybug slapping and yelling at Pandy. Was that the ladybug know and love. Is that how she truly is? UGHHHH I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS!! I look down and relax a bit seeing Pandy sleeping silently in my arms she's so cute. I'll take her to my house and say Adrien said she can sleep there.
A Few Minutes Later
Finally we're here. I set Pandy down on my bed and detransform. I'll sleep on the couch I guess. I look at Pandy as she sleeps peacefully. She's so cute. Goodnight Pandy. I kiss her forehead and I see her smile and snuggle my pillow. I lay down on the couch and close my eyes. I'll think about the ladybug situation later.
The Next Morning

Ughhhh what time is it? I open my eyes HOLY COW WHERE AM I. Oh right Chat probably took me to his house. I see Adrien sleeping on the couch. Thank you Adrien. I kiss his forehead and he blushes. AWWW HE'S SO KAWAII!!!😄 I better get out of here before- "Y/N?", Damn it. I turn around to see Adrien getting up sleepily. "Yes Adrien " he looks at me then the bed. "Where's Panda Noir " I'll have to act dumb. "Oh she left before I came in and said thanks for letting her stay the night" he smiles " Yeah Chat Noir brought her here so I decided to let her sleep here." He looks at me closer " Y/N WHATS WRONG WITH YOUR FACE", He looks so worried. Not the best words he's chosen but I'm guessing he's talking about the bruises on my face. "I got into a fight" Adrien looks shocked," WHO HIT YOU", LIES Y/N MAKE SOME UP," I got hit by the door multiple times", he looks at me,"Y/N-", his face softens and I cut him off,"Adrien I'm fine, I just... NEED SOME FOOOOOD",He laughs and I smile while patting my stomach. We laugh a bit more and Adrien smiles,"Hey why don't we go to Marinettes bakery", Oh no I feel...scared to go there. I mean after what she did to me I'm mad, confused, ...frightened. I try to smile and nod. It works and he gets ready for my arms around his neck. I smile, but should I really do that...wouldn't Marinette get mad. Again. Well if I'm close to Adrien she can't hurt me or she'll hurt Adrien and being the Yandere she is she wouldn't lay a finger on him. I finally wrap my arms around his neck,"Onwards Lemon", he smiles and we leave. I'm so glad Gabriel is away until the party next week so we can eat whatever we want to. "Hey Y/N", Adrien says after a few minutes," Yeah Adrien", I see his ears run red,"Um... Do.... You ..um..Like anyone", I blush,"There IS one guy but he wouldn't like me in THAT way". He looks down and nods and after a few more minutes we're at Marinettes bakery. I take a deep breath and we enter, I let go and I'm greeted by Marinettes mom. I hear talking upstairs. That's Marinette. She's talking to Tiki, I better see if Tiki is ok I mean if she hit me then what does she do to Tiki? I hope she doesn't do anything. I look down at my purse and see if Bam Bam is in there. She sure sleeps a lot AWW SHE'S SO KAWAII. I take another deep breath. I whisper to Adrien, "Hey I'm gonna go see Marinette", he smile and nods. I walk up to Marinettes mom,"Um may I go up to talk to Marinette", She smiles,"Sure sweety just go upstairs", I smile and thank her. If she tries anything I still have my pocket knife in my boot. Don't ask. I walk up the stairs carefully and knock on the door I hear her trip and she opens the door her smile drops slightly," Um Marinette can we talk", she hesitates but let's me in. I pretend not to notice her Adrien pictures. "I came here to see how Tiki is since I haven't seen her for ages", she looks at me and her expression doesn't change. I see Tiki," Hey Tiki!Oh by the way Adrien is down stairs If you want to talk to him", Marinette smiles brightly and nervously goes down stairs. I run to Tiki
" TIKI DID SHE HURT YOU!?!?!" she looks at me confused, "why would I be", I look at her and wipe of some of the consealer I put on, she gasps. "Y/N WHO DID THIS TO YOU, I'LL KILL THEM WHERE THEY STAND " I giggle a little nervously, "I don't think you want to kill Marinette", She looks shocked," M-Marinette D-did THIS to you", I nod trying not to cry remembering the events of yesterday," Tiki, this is why I asked you if you were hurt, I-I didn't want to think she hurt you but", I trail off and Tiki was about to say something till she heard foot steps. Tiki quickly hid and I sat on the bed pretending to be on my phone. Someone knocks on the door and opens it. Adrien is standing there with Marinette,"Hey Y/N our food is ready", I smile and nod. I walk out waving my hips. As I walk I stop and whisper in Marinettes ear something I hope she NEVER forgets,"If you hurt anyone I care about I'll kill you where you stand", I smile and continue walking. Me and Adrien sit down and eat," FINALLY I GET FOOOD", Adrien laughs. I see in the corner of my eye Marinette looking at me and Adrien,"Hey Adrien you have something on your face", I wipe it off and smile sweetly while Adrien blushes. Next time Marinette tries something I won't hesitate to fight back. I thought I knew her cause of the show but I was wrong. She's different she's like Chloe but shyer and she wields a powerful weapon. Me and Adrien finish our food and I tip Marinettes mom a 20 considering her food was amazing it's the least I can do. I go back to my post making sure Marinette sees and smile. I shouldn't tease her but after what she's done she deserves it. If I get hit as a SUPERHERO then who knows if she's done it to others.

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