No help

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Dont help me
I want to do it my self
Dont help me
Im not your toy
Dont help me
Dont pay attention to my pity
Don't help me
I will not stand your presence.
Id rather die before I show pity
My eyes are watery but my heart is strong
Don't pay attention to my outside
I only control the inside
I dont need a doctor to help me
Im probably not sane
But who was in the start?
I can stand up alone
I can walk alone
I may have been your puppet
But not any more
I might be a demon
I might be an angel
I might be the end of your life
I might be the start of your life
But of curse
You dont decide who I am
I do
Who knows me better than my self
You haven't been there in my suffer
You haven't seen me scream
You haven't seen me bleed
You haven't seen me laugh
All im asking is
For you
Fuck off.

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