"Okay," Tina said as she caught her phone. She dialed Josh's phone number and waited. It rang 3 times before he picked up.

"Hello?" Josh said over the phone.

"Hey Josh, it's Tina. I was wondering if you would like to go with me to my school dance?" Tina asked nervously.

"I don't know, Tina. Are you gonna suggest that I share you with another boy again?" Josh asked teasingly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," Tina said slyly. "Jimmy Jr is going out with Tammy and I'm pretty much over him. I promise that it'll be just you and me with no interruptions." Tina lied about her not liking Jimmy Jr. It was true, she loved him no matter what.

"Sure, I would love to go with you. When is it?" Josh asked.

"It's this Saturday and it starts at 7:00 p.m."

"Cool, I'll be at your house to pick you up at 6:40. I'll see you in 2 days, my love," Josh said.

"Okay, by Josh!" Tina said as she hung up her phone. "He said yes!" Tina smiled and cheered.

"Finally!" Louise said as she got up from her sister's bed and made her way to the door. "Goodnight!"

"Goodnight Louise, goodnight Gene," Tina said as she fell asleep.

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Over the next 2 days, Tina was smiling like she just touched Jimmy Jr's butt. Even her parents were starting to notice something was wrong with her.

"Tina, are you okay? You've been smiling all day," Bob asked as he wiped down the grill. They were just about to close up the restaurant and head up to the apartment for dinner.

"Yeah," Tina said. "I'm fine. I'm just excited for the dance tonight."

"Oh, really? Who's taking you?" Bob asked.

"You remember Josh right? He said that he would pick me up by 6:40."

"Okay," Bob said as he checked the time. "You better get ready, it's already 5:47. You have less than an hour to get ready."

"Okay," Tina said as she ran upstairs to her room.

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"TINA, JOSH IS HERE!!!" Gene and Louise yelled from downstairs. 

Tina observed herself in the mirror one last time to make she looked good. She was wearing a navy blue high-low dress that started mid thigh and ended just below her knee and some black flats to match it. Her swapped her normal yellow hair clip for a sparkly navy blue one.

 Her swapped her normal yellow hair clip for a sparkly navy blue one

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"Alright! I'm coming!" She yelled from her bedroom. She finally made her way down the stairs to meet Josh.

"Wow," Josh said as he kissed her on the cheek. "You look amazing as always, Tina."

"Thanks, Josh," Tina said as she pulled him by the arm. "Come on, lets go before my mom starts crying or begging us for photos."

They both made their way to the front of the Belcher's apartment. Tina looked across the street and saw that Jimmy Jr was sitting at the front of his dad's restaurant. His head was hanging down and he looked depressed. It almost looked like he was crying. 

"Tina, why is that Pesto dude crying?" Josh asked.

"I don't know," Tina said. She felt a knot in her stomach when she looked over at him. "Josh, I know it might be too much to ask, but is it okay if-"

"If you go over and ask him what's wrong?" Josh finished Tina's question for her. "No I don't mind."

"Thanks, Josh," Tina said before she crossed the street. 

"Hey Jimmy Jr. What's wrong?" Tina asked as she sat down next to him.

"Oh, hey Tina," he said as he wiped a tear from his face. "It's nothing."

"Come on, you know that you can trust me," Tina said as she put her arm on his shoulder.

"Tammy dumped me. She said that she never liked me. I'm fine with that, it's just that she said that she only used me to get Zeke jealous so he would ask her out. I feel so worthless, I don't even want to dance." Jimmy Jr said in one breath of air.

Tina frowned as he said that. All of a sudden, she jumped up in the air and said, "Give me a minute. I'll be right back."

She ran back across the street to Josh and asked him, "Josh I'm really sorry. I didn't plan or want to do this, but-"

Josh sighed as he finished her sentence for her, "But you want to dump me so you can ask your friend to the dance to cheer him up."

"I'm really sorry, Josh. I just want him to be happy. I don't like to see Jimmy Jr sad."

"It's okay, Tina. I'll be fine. If making your friend happy makes you happy, just go for it," Josh said. He squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek. "Trust me, I'll be fine."

Tina hugged Josh and whispered in his ear, "Thank you so much Josh! I owe you one!"

Tina ran back across the street to Jimmy Jr just as he was about to walk into his dad's restaurant. "Jimmy Jr, wait!" Tina yelled after him.

He turned around, his eyes wide with surprise and confusion. "Tina, I thought that you were going to the dance with Josh. The dance already started, why aren't you there?"

"I couldn't see you sad and depressed like that," Tina said as she looked deep into his eyes. "Jimmy Jr, would you like to go to the dance with me?"

"Wait," Jimmy asked. "What about Josh? Wasn't he mad? Am I gonna have to do another dance-off with him?"

Tina laughed. "No, he wasn't mad. He said that he was happy as long as I was happy, and I can't be happy when you're not happy."

"Good," Jimmy Jr said as he scooped Tina up in his arms. "So he won't mind if I did this?" He placed a soft kiss on her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands lacing through his hair. "Yes, I would love to go to the dance with you Tina Belcher," he said when their lips parted. They walked off to the dance together, hand in hand.


 Thank you ladies and gentlemen for reading my second fan fiction!!!

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