Takumi x Bday! Reader

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Ok! This was requested by bbub14, so I hope you like it!

You sits on a rock, away from camp with a book on your lap. It's your birthday today, and everyone was swarming around you, offering gifts and happy birthdays. You just couldn't get a moment alone!

You had thought everyone had at least greeted you, but upon further thought you realized you were wrong. The one person you wanted most to wish you happy birthday, if anyone,  was your brother-not-brother, Takumi. He hadn't said a word to you today! It's like he was avoiding you, ignoring you! Yes, you may not be his true sister, but you still love him! But is it really the way that siblings do? After more thought you find that no, you don't love him as a brother. You love him more than that.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, you turn back to your book.

Takumi P.O.V
I decided to go out into the woods to do some extra target practice before the next battle. I ought to be as prepared as I can. I go to my normal spot, but I'm surprised to see someone sitting nearby today. Upon closer inspection, I see its (y/n), her jade eyes scanning the book in her lap, with a determined face. It really suits her I think before shaking my head of those thoughts. Well, at least I try. I can't shake the thoughts of how perfect she looks, how lovely she is. While admiring her from a distance, I step on a pile of dead leaves

Second person P.O.V
You hear a lot of rustling and crunching nearby. Crap, I'm unarmed!!! You think. You pick up the first light thing your hand touches, not really looking at it. "Come out, whoever you are! If you don't, I'm not afraid to use this- oh COME ON!" You cut yourself off mid sentence, disappointed in yourself. You're holding a stick. What kind of marauder is afraid of a girl with a stick?! The crunches get louder as you ready your stick. The person who emerges is the last one you expected. "Takumi?!" You ask out of shock

He turns to you and waves slightly. "Hey."

What are you doin out here?!" You ask

"The better question is what are you doing out here threatening strangers with a stick?" He asks with a coy smirk on his face

You blush from embarrassment and throw the stick on the ground. "I was just reading on my birthday, away from everyone, I didn't think id need to bring a weapon!" You defend

"So what were you reading?" He asks

"Oh, nothing much, just trying to teach myself archery."

This takes Takumi off guard. "Oh really? Well, archery isn't really something you can teach yourself."

"I can if I try hard enough." You shoot back.

"I was just coming  out here to train. How about you come and join me?" He asks

"Really?! You would teach me?" Your heart flutters. You wanted to learn from him, the best, in the first place. But you figured he was way to busy, and probably wouldn't even want to teach you.

"Yea, sure. Just don't waste my time. Consider it a birthday present from me. Now go get a bow and arrows, and come back. Don't be slow. Archers are not slow." He gently commands you. As you run off with your book, he sits on the same rock you had moments before, Trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach. He was always approached by people wanting to learn archery, but never by the one person he wanted to teach most, you. You come back with a training bow, smiling with excitement but your eyes scream determination. He takes you to his favorite spot and first shows you proper form. You try to copy it, jumping in surprise and trying to hide the blush on your face when Takumi adjusts you.

"Relax. That is one of the most important things." Takumi instructs.

You keep going, doing your best and after an hour or so you finally hit the target. "I did it!" You call out

"Yes you did. I knew you would, that determination in your eyes said it all. It's one of the things I love about you." He speaks without monitoring his mouth.

Your face turns red "l-love?!"

When Takumi realizes what he said it's too late to try and cover up. "Yes, love. I'll admit it, (Y/n), I love you. I have for a very long time. I tried to tell myself I wasn't, tried to ignore it, but I just couldn't. You are always on my mind, and I'm always concerned for your safety. I can't lose you."

Tears prick your eyes and you fling yourself onto him in a hug. You feel his surprisingly soft arms coil around you in joy. "I feel the same, Takumi." You admit.

He lets go of you and holds both of your hands. "There's only one thing that can make this day better." He drops to one knee and let's go of your hands to hold out a gold ring with a red gem in it, and on top of the red, there is a gold engraving of the sun "I had this made for you as a sign of my everlasting love. Will you accept it, and become my wife?" He asks.

The beautiful ring and confession make tears drop on your cheeks  and you nod multiple times. You can't believe this is happening. This has to be the best birthday in history!

He slides the ring on your finger, and pulls you close by the waist. "If you were aiming for my heart, you struck true!" He pushes his forehead on yours "this was meant to be...." He seals his words and actions of love with a sweet kiss on your lips which you gladly return, making everything in your life perfect.

Ok! That's it, and I hope you like it! I am surprised at myself, it was 1000 words exactly, until this blurb here. So yea, request, though they may not all be as good as this, I'm proud of this one! I just couldn't stop writing....

Fire emblem fates one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora