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After taking Jack's advice, Bobby decided get Jackie some flowers and go apologize.
Bobby opened the door to their two story house in Georgetown. He looked around. Everything was calm, the lights were off, and everything was very clean and organized. Confused, Bobby looked around. "Jackie?" He called. There was no answer. "Jackie I'm home! I brought you some flowers." Still no answer. Bobby looked all through the house until he got to the dining room. On the table was a note. On top of the note was Jackie's wedding ring. Hands shaking, Bobby picked up the note and read it.
"Dearest Bobby,
I've been thinking about this for a long time. It seems like not too long ago, I was the happiest woman in the world, hand in hand with you, skipping down the shore in Acapulco. Now, all of that has changed. I feel like it has been a very long time since you have even noticed me. When you wake up, I make everything perfect for you, but you just eat and leave. I spend all day making sure that dinner is well prepared, and the table set, and that you have all of your favorite meals, but when you get home, you eat dinner, do paper work, and leave. You come home drunk almost every night at one, two, or three in the morning, each time with a new girl. You don't even talk to me, or acknowledge that I even exist. I've mentioned all of this to you before, but you get mad at me and you say it's all my fault and that I'm ungrateful that you work so hard. That was never the case, I just wanted some attention. I would find myself confiding in Jack, because he would understand me and give me advice on how to make things better. I think that it would be best for both of us if we get a divorce. I need to clear my head, so I have packed my bags, and left. I will always love you, Bobby.
Love, Jackie." Bobby started to cry. How could he have let this happen? He started to think back to when he would wake up to see everything perfect, and being a jerk, he quickly left. No kiss on the cheek, no "Thank you, Jackie. I love you."
"How could I be such a jerk?" Bobby asked himself. Not being able to stand himself anymore, he ran to the kitchen to the cabinet, where he kept his whiskey. He took a huge drink of it, straight from the bottle. He slid down to the floor and drank the rest on the bottle, still sobbing.

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