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I fell to the Dark Side.

Obviously, I'm back, but it still happened. I can still remember it. Shab, it was awful.

It all started on a solo mission to Korriban. I was supposed to investigate a tomb of an ancient Sith Lord. Turns out the Sith was my ancient relative, Darth Revan. Now, we all know what happened to Revan—defeated Malak, saved the day, yada yada yada. But there were some fanatics who thought Revan stayed a Sith, and had a whole cult following. The Revanchists or something like that.

Anyway, they made the tomb for Revan. And put the mask in there. I picked up said mask...then woke up in a hospital a month later, with memories of someone I didn't know in my head.

Being a Sith—it hurts. The different aspects of the Force, how it drains you...

I'm starting to upset myself, so I'm gonna stop now.


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