This is it: This means war

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Chapter 1:
Lawless "Philly" Philadelphia Borbón Barney Lucifer Ross-Jensen was only concerend with one thing as she entered her uncle Tool's tattoo parlour, keeping what happened at school that day a secret, the secret being a knock-down drag out fight with twevle other people. Her Da, Gunnar Jensen was staying here after getting back from a job off the coast of West Italy. "Can i help ya Darlin'?" A man in a cowboy hat asks and i hide my smile at my uncle tool's behaviour. "Yeah, I'm lookin' fer mah Da, is he in?" "Depends hon, what's your Da's name?" "Gunnar" Uncle Tool pauses in his tattooing work on the man straddling a custom built Harley as i hear Da and four other people enter the tattoo parlour, arguing about some gun i would guess. "Someone's here for ya Gunnar." "yeah, Who?" Da asks as he wanders over to the man getting tattooed. "The apple of ya eye and ya's worst fears realized." Da grins as he scoops me up into his massive arms and i have to work on keeping my face blank from reflecting my pain.
"Hey Kid, how ya doin'?" "Good, how long ya home fer this time? 'Cause me an' Esca wanna hang out with ya." Da just shrugs and setting me down before placing his left arm over my shoulders, showcasing off just how tiny i am compared to him. "Dunno, til the next job rolls in, why?" He asks peering down at me suspiciously and I lightly shift from foot to foot."I just tol' ya. Me an' Esca wanna hang out with ya. And Da? Next time can ya try not to hang a pirate?" Everyone looks at me as Da throws he head back laughing like the slightly insane person he is. "Deal, So you coming to see me had nothing to with school today?" "School? Why what happened at her school?" A bald man with a slight British accent asks as I nervously giggle.
"My name's Lee and yours?" "I'm Philly. And so ya heard, huh?" "Heard and saw on the lunch hour news." "In my defense, I didn't know he was gonna be a baby about it." I pout crossing my arms and Da sighs. "It was twelve on one, they called in the Riot Police, and seven of you were taken away in four ambulances. How was he being a baby about it? And get that crap of your face. Tool do you have a damp paper towel?" "Sure." Tool hands me a paper towel and everyone watches as I scrub my decent cover-up job off. "Better?" I sneer as I show Da and everyone else my battered face and split lip. "Much, continue explaining kid." "He started it by making fun of Esca and I's height. So I decided to rectify it." "By telling him that he was a chicken-shit ass kisser?" "Got him to lay off of us." I shrug indifferently and Da groans before dropping down into a convenient chair. He pulls me to stand in front of him and I just know that this lecture is going to be one of his bests. "What have I told you about starting fights?" "Do it where no-one's watchin', give good or better than what ya get and fight dirty?" Da scoffs and I lower my gaze to my feet, slumpin' my shoulders. "But you and Esca started it in the middle of your classroom and carried it on out the door. And what else Lawless Philadelphia Borbón Lucifer B. R.-Jensen?" I look at Da confused when he doesn't say my whole name but keep my mouth shut.
Da asks quietly, gently raising my head with his right hand under my chin. "Don't start a fight with anyone more'n five inches taller then us and don't take on more than one or two people at a time if ya don't have too." "That's right and what else?" "Don't hide my injuries. But Da, it's just not Fair!" I exclaim before quickly regretting it at the sight of my Da's pinched face. "Not fair? It's not fair to me, finding out that you were taken away in an ambulance. It's also for your safety young lady because even though you're twelve, you look like a small eight year old. That's why! And signing yourself out AMA!" He suddenly roars, causing me to take a step back in fright and causing everyone but Uncle Tool and the man he's tattoing to flinch lightly. "Shit. Sorry hunny, Da's not gonna hit you." He whispers and i nod taking a step forward. "But Da-" "Do not but Da me right now kid, okay? Just go park your butt in a corner until i get back, understood?" I grumble but quickly fall silent when Da gives me my warning swat, just hard enough to make me re-consider. "I said, understood?" "Yes Sir." "Then get to it."
I quickly go stand with my nose to the corner he indicates and pout, still upset. But yes I get where da is coming from. I'm his only kid and according to him the apple of his eye. He wants me to be the best that I can be.

I try and that's all he wants me to do even if I don't agree with his methods on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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